Almost 1 hour left to unlock Yoda....

Hi guys.. i have Eeth Koth at 30/65 to get him to 5* ... i already have other 4 jedis at 5*
The question is.. i have 3650 arena tokens left.. so i can refresh it 7 times to get him to 5* and unlock yoda... is it worth the cristals refresh to unlock him or should i wait till next month>..
Tanks all!!!


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    Probably not worth it, you won't get yoda anyway?
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    That's a lot of crystals...
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Just wait. Not worth the refreshes. By next month you could have 5x 6* Jedi for less than it would cost in refreshes just for Eeth.
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    i can get him if i promote eeth koth to 5*.. i have qui gon jinn 5* luminara 7* JC 6* and mace 5*
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    Wrong question. Your question should be how much yoda is worth to YOU. Take that number and compare it to your refresh number. That is your answer.
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    I am glad I dont have these tough choices to make. 3 of my Jedi are 4* next month it is.
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    yeah.. maybe i should wait for next month.. if we know how much crystals to do 7 refreshs..
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    Luizinho wrote: »
    yeah.. maybe i should wait for next month.. if we know how much crystals to do 7 refreshs..

    I assume they go up like other refreshes so maybe 50 100 200 400 etc. I'd suspect it would cost you between $10 and $20 worth of crystal . But I confess to not knowing the correct amount.
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    well.. i dont know if a really need him... its that i could get him.. but it will cost me a lot of crystals...
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    General rule of mobile fremium games - never, ever spend real money or premium currency on something you can get for free, given enough time and patience. I have my 5* Yoda and he's fun but not amazing. He hasn't wormed his way into my "A" team, and really needs that 6th or 7th * to not get one-shot constantly in PvP, plus the AI plays him horribly and Jedi are still a liability versus Sith teams.

    So no, you should absolutely not burn hundreds of crystals to get Eeth today. Wait a month, get Eeth to 5 or even 6* normally, and bide your time. Patience, my young padawan :)
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    ok.. thanks everyone.. i think im not going to spend crystals to get him... i can wait till next month.. lets see if i can get my jedis to 6* the next event!!! ;)
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    Luizinho wrote: »
    ok.. thanks everyone.. i think im not going to spend crystals to get him... i can wait till next month.. lets see if i can get my jedis to 6* the next event!!! ;)

    This is a wise decision. I got Yoda at 5* but he is the same level as many of my toons so he made it to my B team immediately lol. So I get more use out of him but I kinda wish I had the money I spent to get him too. I'd have survived a month without him. I'm split but overall glad I got him. That being said I was farming 3/5 jedi already so I didn't spend a lot changing direction on my routine either.
  • SaintEaters
    412 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    @Luizinho Don't run anyone that gives anyone on your team a buff, including themselves. So no lumi, Ben, and if you use qui-gon don't give offense up buff. Use at least two healers. Use at least two decent to high damage toons. And at least one counter if possible. Barris as the lead. Restart match until you get him with not so strong allies. So you don't want to see lumi, jc, qui-gon, and maybe aayla. Barris can be good Allie for him if you don't go for Yoda first. Also, I couldn't beat it until I took down Yoda first. That's how I beat lvl 7. If only lvl 5, then use lumi. On lvl 5 and 6 I took down allies first.

    Edit: lvl 7 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, jc, aayla, and mace.

    Lvl 5 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, aayla, jc, lumi
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    Don't run anyone that gives anyone on your team a buff, including themselves. So no lumi, Ben, and if you use qui-gon don't give offense up buff. Use at least two healers. Use at least two decent to high damage toons. And at least one counter if possible. Barris as the lead. Restart match until you get him with not so strong allies. So you don't want to see lumi, jc, qui-gon, and maybe aayla. Barris can be good Allie for him if you don't go for Yoda first. Also, take down Yoda first. That's how I beat lvl 7. If only lvl 5, then use lumi.

    Edit: lvl 7 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, jc, aayla, and mace.

    Lol 5 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, aayla, jc, lumi

    If I have to farm barris to replace lumi...that"s ballsack
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    dont waste the crystals, you might as well wait, you'll eventually want him 6* or 7* anyway, so having him at 5* right now really isnt going to benefit you at all
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    Don't run anyone that gives anyone on your team a buff, including themselves. So no lumi, Ben, and if you use qui-gon don't give offense up buff. Use at least two healers. Use at least two decent to high damage toons. And at least one counter if possible. Barris as the lead. Restart match until you get him with not so strong allies. So you don't want to see lumi, jc, qui-gon, and maybe aayla. Barris can be good Allie for him if you don't go for Yoda first. Also, take down Yoda first. That's how I beat lvl 7. If only lvl 5, then use lumi.

    Edit: lvl 7 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, jc, aayla, and mace.

    Lol 5 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, aayla, jc, lumi

    If I have to farm barris to replace lumi...that"s ballsack


    So many people did it with Lumi as lead. So I dont think you need to replace her. Besides her buff is only +10% evasion at least it isnt +50% offense.
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    Don't run anyone that gives anyone on your team a buff, including themselves. So no lumi, Ben, and if you use qui-gon don't give offense up buff. Use at least two healers. Use at least two decent to high damage toons. And at least one counter if possible. Barris as the lead. Restart match until you get him with not so strong allies. So you don't want to see lumi, jc, qui-gon, and maybe aayla. Barris can be good Allie for him if you don't go for Yoda first. Also, take down Yoda first. That's how I beat lvl 7. If only lvl 5, then use lumi.

    Edit: lvl 7 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, jc, aayla, and mace.

    Lol 5 I used Barris lead, qui-gon, aayla, jc, lumi

    If I have to farm barris to replace lumi...that"s ballsack


    So many people did it with Lumi as lead. So I dont think you need to replace her. Besides her buff is only +10% evasion at least it isnt +50% offense.

    Oooo that's super good to know! Thank you!
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