Looking for an active but relaxed, friendly Guild

Hi, I'm currently a member of a Guild and getting by fine but I'm fairly new there and I'm just not feeling it! So I'm looking for an active Guild, but also a friendly, relaxed one that enjoys chatting/ helping each other out.

I'm level 85, have a few strong teams but always working daily towards others. (Ally code below). I take part in every raid, contribute 600 raid tickets daily without fail, complete daily activities, contribute towards TB and will donate gear where I can. I wouldn't say I was the strongest player (I have strong chars but need to spend time rearranging my teams) we have a new born in the house and I have to admit I've neglected my teams lately but back on track now and want to strengthen my game!
If you need any more info, please message me. (Based in UK for times) Thanks in advance

Ally code 357 - 777 - 266


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