Biggs gl12?

10 posts Member
Any ideas if getting Biggs to gl12 is worth it..all I have left for it is the mk6 Droid callers. I have raid Han and r2 and kylo already gl12. And I use Biggs in arena . Thank you in advance.


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    Why not? If u already use him in arena... And i bet fleet arena too... I have mine G11 and planing to G12 as soon as i finish to gear my 5xarena squad (only trawn left). Single reason cuz My biggs is not at G12 at the moment is cuz he isnt in my arena team... But my whole fleet is created arround him, and that alone makes gearing him a good investement.

    Hes also so good in GW and raids and easy to gear...
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    I took him to g12. To be fair its not a big bump but I also did it for fleet arena.
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    I have biggs and wedge at g12, They both dont get big boosts at g12. I remember a dev saying somewhere that characters that are already good will not get good boosts from g12 as opposed to kinda crappy characters will get. Its a way to kinda pseudo nerf certain characters without it being a straight nerf. Examples are the multiple items that give tactics and special damage to wedge and biggs when they dont do special damage at all.

    But Im not upset about putting both of them to g12 since they are on my arena team, every little bit helps
  • Liamtbqh
    620 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It was an indirect nerf that G12 was bad for the Wiggs duo
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    As said they dont get better like you expected but ship wise they are still a beast so no harm in taking them to g12
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    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.
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    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.
  • Bigbearxba
    250 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.

    I don’t find this to be true. Though it is rare to see very many non gold in the top 50 in my shard.
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    I would put wedge to g12 before biggs
    The added protection is more useful on wedge, who is the primary target on a wiggs team.
    If you already have wedge at g12, it really depends on who else you have on your arena team.
  • PiffGuru
    773 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Bigbearxba wrote: »
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.

    I don’t find this to be true. Though it is rare to see very many non gold in the top 50 in my shard.

    So you think a person with 3 g12 and 2 g11 is going to get attacked as much as a person with 5 g11's? (Arbitrary numbers)
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    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Bigbearxba wrote: »
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.

    I don’t find this to be true. Though it is rare to see very many non gold in the top 50 in my shard.

    So you think a person with 3 g12 and 2 g11 is going to get attacked as much as a person with 5 g11's? (Arbitrary numbers)

    Potentially. Team makeup is a much more important deciding factor than gear level. At least for me and from how I see people move in my shard (I watch pretty much everyone), most of my shard thinks the same way.
  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I agree about team makeup being more important.
    Gold raid han is pretty scary for most, lol.
    Biggs g11 or g12...not so much.

    Stronger teams dont really care, cuz they can just jump as high as they can with each battle.
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    Bigbearxba wrote: »
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Bigbearxba wrote: »
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.

    I don’t find this to be true. Though it is rare to see very many non gold in the top 50 in my shard.

    So you think a person with 3 g12 and 2 g11 is going to get attacked as much as a person with 5 g11's? (Arbitrary numbers)

    Potentially. Team makeup is a much more important deciding factor than gear level. At least for me and from how I see people move in my shard (I watch pretty much everyone), most of my shard thinks the same way.

    The issue with that is there isnt a very big difference in team compositions in the top of the arena nowadays. I see probably the same 3 or 4 teams everywhere with minor differences. When I see over and over and over all g12 GK+Barris teams then I see an all g11 GK+Barris team im going to attack the g11 one. Its not like im seeing all g12 clones or something cause if I did that would be an obvious choice of who to attack.

    So most of the time my choices are between 3 people with the same teams so my best choice is usually to attack the one thats a little behind in gearing.

    There is only 1 person that is capable of beating me in my arena with all g11 currently and its cause his mods are out of this world.
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    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Bigbearxba wrote: »
    PiffGuru wrote: »
    Jer wrote: »
    K I think I'll get in to gl12..if anything the more gold looks cool :). Thanks for your inputs.

    If for no other reason, having gold toons will get you attacked a little less in arena.

    I don’t find this to be true. Though it is rare to see very many non gold in the top 50 in my shard.

    So you think a person with 3 g12 and 2 g11 is going to get attacked as much as a person with 5 g11's? (Arbitrary numbers)

    Sorry to go off topic, but I can’t help but respond....mods affect who I attack and who I go around more than anything. I can beat any team comp out there unless their mods are very good. I don’t care about gold and neither do most at top end of arena. It obviously helps stats, but it doesn’t matter if the first 500 of your 20k crit kills them or the last 50” damage. It matters if you can execute your attack strategy in the order you need to without them disrupting it.

    Obviously RNG can top mods and strategy.
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