62 M GP guild is recruiting- 6 open slots(Sarılar not just a yellow)

9 posts Member
edited November 2017
We are Sarılar not just a yellow
looking forward to recruit.

We have 45/50 members now, with 62 M GP .We are looking for new players to help us with TB and want to grow together. we are a international guild.

we are finishing rancorn and haat easily without any help from other friendly guilds. and we are getting 27 star on every TB which is enough for 100 crystals and bunch of gear items.

What we need is;

600 daily raid ticket contribution(thats a must)
1 million gp or more
Some TB chars (thats not so important)
Commintment to TB strategies during TB periods.must check discord chat or guild chat.(to where to deploy ext)
Donate to other guild members if you can.
Discord is a must.

Raid Rules:
Heroic Rancor
We are launching it at 19 CET with a 24 hour no damage registration period.(0 damage for safety) after 24 hours its free to attack.

Heroic AAT
We are launching it at 19 CET with no rules

we are getting 27* every TB.

We want to recruit before the next TB. (in 3 days)

Message me on Discord (elderfan67#7319) or you can post your message here with your ally code.

my ally code :336-697-436
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