68 millon guild recruiting- 3 open slots

9 posts Member
edited November 2017
We are Sarılar not just a yellow.
wanna recruit to our guild.

We have 47/50 members with a 68million GP
We are an international guild but are mainly in Europe. guild reset time is 22 CET. we are finishing the heroic rancorn and aat easily. rancorn(20 min) aat(1 day max)

What we are really looking for:
600 daily raid ticket contribution
1M GP or more
Discord is a must.

Raid Rules:
Heroic Rancor
We are launching the rancorn at 19 CET with 24 hour no damage rule.

Heroic AAT
We are launching the rancorn 19 CET also. with no rules.

When TB stars check what the guild leader orders for deploying or combat strategies from discord or
in game chat.

Message me on Discord (elderfan67#7319) or post your message here with your ally code.
ally code : 336-697-436
Post edited by elderfan67 on


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