DS 5a (Hard)

Hey amazing people from the forum. I am seeking your help and advice. I've tried a couple of times to complete the dark side hard 5a nodes (the one that rewards Ima-Gun Di shards), with no success, and feel that I am wasting precious energy in my attempts.

How did you guys do it? I manage to kill everyone but Chewie. However, even with 3 toons left, he manages to destroy me, sometimes acting 3 times in a row before I can do anything, and self-curing himself all the time (he is constantly resisting my health debuffs).

I am level 58. My current team is: 6*Darth Sidious (L), 4*Talia, 3*IG-86, 2*GS, and 1*Royal Guard. Phasma was assisting the second attempt.

Ideally, I would of course like to complete it with 3 stars in order to be able to sim it afterwards, but my main interest is to go past it to reach Barriss' nodes.

So what would be your advice? Any short term solutions that would not take all my resources away from my main arena team to grind this team?


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    That team is pretty weak. I doubt you'll be able to. But the best way to go about it is to kill Lobot, then Chewie, then the Ugnaughts. This prevents Chewie from going into rage mode.
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    I did it with a phasma lead and my usual dark side team:
    talia, daka, dooku, sidious.
    I think my assist was Boba.

    As for short term solution: get a well equipped daka assist. Her stun is priceless and so is having a second healer. Also her ress gives you a chance of 3 star after a slip up (even if the victory screen shows 2, you get 3) which happened a few times to me when progressing missions.
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    I DID IT!

    Unlocked Count Dooku and Captain Phasma for it.

    Here's what I had:

    Old Daka 6* lvl70 Gear 7-8 (Assist Leader)
    Captain Phasma 3* lvl53 Gear 6 (L)
    Darth Sidious 7* lvl62 Gear 8
    Geonosian Soldier 3* lvl62 Gear 8
    Talia 4* lvl61 Gear 6
    Count Dooku 3* lvl62 Gear 7

    Now I am one step closer to unlocking Barriss and make GW and the Yoda challenge easier.
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