Zeta Confirmation Required...Please!!

I have looked through the forums and I have seen that there are a few posts on this issue already. I am only starting a new one in the hope that if we flood the topic a little more, something might be done about it. We need a zeta confirmation screen, please!
I, like apparently so many others, made the mistake of trying to gear up a character and forgot that there might be a zeta at the end of the road. I read the forums and knew that nothing could be done but I sent the email to customer support anyway. The reply was nothing short of expected.
How is a zeta confirmation not a thing?
When upgrading a character from one start level to the next, a completely separate screen pops up with the confirmation button in a different location on the screen. You are required to press/click the screen in 2 separate locations in order to upgrade a character from one star level to another. Now, even if there was an accident, it’s not that big of a deal because you can get more currency in a day or two, or instantly by simply by throwing a little money in to the game.
Upgrading a character with ability mats however, has just the assign button and done!
Now the argument could be made that you needed to go into the ability first and start to assign mats and that action is sort of a confirmation. No disagreement there. The real issue is that unlike moving up a star level with credits that take a few days to refill, accidentally assigning a zeta to a character sets you back weeks of game play with no way of quickly fixing that mistake.
This is not a debate about zeta farming time or drops rates. I just ask, plead with the developers, that if something in the game is incredibly time consuming that you at least have a confirmation in place to make the chance of a huge mistake less likely.
Zeta abilities are not created equal and assigning the wrong one is a mistake that more and more people are making. The requirement to increase GP has people placing ability mats on every character that they can. So please, put a double check between that last ability using basic mats and the one that sets you back a month if you touch the screen one too many times.
My mistake was assuming that the next ability would be an omega instead of a zeta. I’m sure that others can relate.
Quality of life update 2.0?


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    A confirmation pop-up when spending the most hard to acquire resource in the game should have been in place from the start. It’s incredibly easy to accidentally touch the screen when upgrading several character abilities, and forget that not all end abilities require Omegas but instead use Zetas — and poof! They’re GONE. 30 days (on average) worth of work, wasted. :'(

    Not only would a simple confirmation pop-up save a lot of players heartache, but would save countless customer service reps from dealing with the tickets that would instantly disappear regarding this very issue. Cost savings = good.
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    How do I zeta?
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    Confirmation screen for zeta - Great idea.
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