Zeta suggestions

I'm looking to do my 2nd zeta my first being Vader. I'm strongly considering boba Fett and maul. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


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    Finn and Resistance is the beat zeta for the money right now. Maul and Boba zetas are not that good.
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    I'd save, with ep8 one of the new guys may be the next CL
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    Dont do boba
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    Don't do Boba or Maul, zeta on Vader was already a mistake (I did it too recently and it brought me nothing). Consider Resistance or FO given the upcoming.
    Or nightsister, they are good :)
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    Sen7inel89 wrote: »
    I'm looking to do my 2nd zeta my first being Vader. I'm strongly considering boba Fett and maul. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Vader was a good choice to zeta, however we would need to know more info, like who you have in your team, who would you like to run, who you have high enough, and what you want them for (i.e. arena, raids, TB).

    Zader with Boba and Teebo are raid killers.
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