Who would like an Order 66 event?

8 posts Member
edited November 2017
The event could go both ways, you as jedi or you as clones. The whole event would be based on clones vs. jedi, actually it would be cool if EA made a dual event that you chose which side and each side offered gear that benifited either your Jedi gear deficiancies of your clone gear deficiencies. Just a thought, but it would be part of what actually happened instead of the half **** events that are created.
"Aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?"

Who would like an Order 66 event? 6 votes

clones vs. Jedi or jedi vs.clone, EA decides
0% 0 votes
clones vs. Jedi or jedi vs.clone you decide or they are back to back
83% 5 votes
16% 1 vote
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