Guild about to beat the hAAT for the first time. Join us!

We are fear the Hunters, a Heroic Pit / nAAT guild getting very close to being hAAT ready. our next attempt (and hopefully the one that makes it) will be in a couple of weeks. We just need a few more phase 3 teams to tackle the raid.

We're 57 mil GP.

Currently looking to fill up 2 spots that opened due to inactive players.

We launch 3 heroic pits and 2-3 AAT a week. there's a 24 hour 0 damage period for the rancor and FFA for the nAAT.

In terms of the heroic pit raid, it usually flies by in 10 or 15 minutes depending on the people playing at the kill time. We do one every Mon/Wed/Fri when tickets allow it with a 24h 0 damage. The nAAT (hopefully soon to be hAAT) also has 24h 0 damage and flies by in a couple of hours.

We have members mostly in America and Europe, and launch times are convenient for people in or around such places.

We have both heavy hitters and F2P players. Getting 600 daily tickets it's not enforced, although most of us get them or come close to.

We're getting 27 stars in TB.

Our communication is mostly by discord, although it's not a requirement and every important announcement is also posted in-game.

Add me in discord, line or in-game for an invite: -Discord: epalerafa#7106 -Line: epalerafa -Ally code: 417-475-617

Hope to hear back from you!!
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