49/50 Haat guild getting 35* in light TB. Looking for 1 temp

219 posts Member
edited November 2017
Looking for 1 temporary player, we should find you a spot in one of our sister guilds after next TB. We get 35* in light side TB but don't know how we'll fair in dark side. Haat is normally over in 2+ hours. 24 hour checkin on a raids. Line required. 600 daily might be required depending on the sister guild we find for you if you want to proceed with that after TB is over. Minimal 1.2 GP. We normally have a min of 1.6 but since this is temporary we've lowered that.

If you like our guild, you can always move back from any of our sister guilds when we have a permanent opening.

Contact me on line my Id is cypher82
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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    We're a good friendly bunch, the position is temporary as one of our officers is temporarily helping out a sister guild. I'll take as low as a 1 million GP. Our guild isn't a strict 600, but we expect an average of 500+ over a week. Come get some GK shards, and more TB stars. Join one of our sister guilds after or use us as a week hold over period while you look for a new guild.
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    You do realize your subject line says 45* but your ad says 35*. Are you false advertising just to get people to read your post? Tsk tsk.
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    Honestly a typo, but thanks for pointing it out. Were good now anyways.
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    Look for 1 Temp member, anyone 1 Million GP or above. We'll take you on through the next TB for 35 stars, then if you want can find you a home with one of our sister guilds.
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