issue - what do you think about losing your place in the arena in the last minute?

52 posts Member
edited February 2016
There's a lot of fighting in the last 5 minutes and people would find themself on the 1st place and in the last minute before the leaderboard is settled they lose their place.
+ if you are attacked you can't attack no one.
It should be done something about it for those who where attacked to get an exclusive time to defend their place.

Another case would be when you're on 4th place and you want to attack the 1st place but someone attacked you and you can't do anything and you lose the chance to get on 1st place and end up on 8th place.
as an example

what do you think? @EA_Jesse

issue - what do you think about losing your place in the arena in the last minute? 8 votes

you're satisfied with the curent behavior
DeathSSlayerDashRendarDeadHeadAndyfasterthanyous 4 votes
there should be given extra time to recover the lost place if the chances of attacks are available before the reward is awarded
there should be given extra time to recover the lost place & if you want to attack someone but you get the message that someone attacked you, if the chances of attacks are available, before the reward is awarded
veazyeDNAquinnirgalaxysenator6 4 votes
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