
1484 posts Member
edited November 2017
Thanks for adding the 2 extra healing magma troopers to Thrawn. That makes it so much easier. 4 magma 2 DT and Thrawn. And their power was upped so each shot does more damage.

So much fun!! What a challenge. What an awesome way to make him even more unattainable for us who actually put in the work and farmed Phoenix to GS 9 and Zeta.


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    Thanks for adding the 2 extra healing magma troopers to Thrawn. That makes it so much easier. 4 magma 2 DT and Thrawn. And their power was upped so each shot does more damage.

    So much fun!! What a challenge. What an awesome way to make him even more unattainable for us who actually put in the work and farmed Phoenix to GS 9 and Zeta.

    What tier was this and what encounter?
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    I know the feeling, believe me...
    My phone was in danger of meeting the wall with tremendous force.
    What's you team? Gear levels? Who has zeta/omegas? How are they modded?

    I beat it with the following team after nearly 70 tries to outdraw rng.
    Hera Lead G8, Omega
    zEzra g11 (speed:237) he is your damage dealer!
    Sabine G8, omega, modded for crit damage and speed.
    Kennan G8, omega, modded for protection and speed.
    Chopper G8, omega, modded for protection and speed.

    On round 4, I found that having Chopper and Ezra really let me cut down taunting trooper. Then melt the faces of the DT. AT is last, you have to have at least 3/5 or better 4/5 of your team left or it's over.

    Anyway, your rage is not alone. I hope this helps!
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    This is what happens when **** post in the forums saying how easy it was before, they upped the difficulty
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    Thanks for adding the 2 extra healing magma troopers to Thrawn. That makes it so much easier. 4 magma 2 DT and Thrawn. And their power was upped so each shot does more damage.

    So much fun!! What a challenge. What an awesome way to make him even more unattainable for us who actually put in the work and farmed Phoenix to GS 9 and Zeta.

    What tier was this and what encounter?

    Final encounter to 7 star.
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    They are 1 Shot killing my team. Finally got a number. Each trooper does 17k dmg per hit. They are all 88 Elite. Guess I wasted those Zetas. Thank CG for a great xpac and then reminding me why your events are the pits.
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    The event is not aprochable by players lower than level 80. It is not a possibillity to complete it even with all gear that you can aquire and with a full set of 7* characters. Nobody wants to wait for another 3+ months so you can stress by it again.
    Make the event more aprochable for new players please.
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    The event is possible. I had Ezra and Hera at G10 (almost 11) and Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper at G9 (Chopper and Zeb almost to 10). Plus I modded all of them (Chopper not so much). Got through the event just fine. And I was someone struggling and complaining about the final tier being impossible back in October which was the last time the event came around. Just gear the characters better and swap out Sabine for Chopper. The difficulty hasn't changed. Your characters just aren't strong enough yet. Also NONE of my Phoenix characters have zeta'd abilities. I want to zeta one or two of them though. Mainly Ezra.
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    Took me like 4hrs of trying this morning but I got him 7star. Team was all G8, lvl 85 some omegas no zetas. Just took a while to get the right RNG. But it can be done.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    The event is possible. I had Ezra and Hera at G10 (almost 11) and Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper at G9 (Chopper and Zeb almost to 10). Plus I modded all of them (Chopper not so much). Got through the event just fine. And I was someone struggling and complaining about the final tier being impossible back in October which was the last time the event came around. Just gear the characters better and swap out Sabine for Chopper. The difficulty hasn't changed. Your characters just aren't strong enough yet. Also NONE of my Phoenix characters have zeta'd abilities. I want to zeta one or two of them though. Mainly Ezra.

    I have all GS 9, Hera is Zeta, everyone is Omega Maxed Skills. The difference is they added an extra tank or heal. The game keeps giving me 2 DT, 2Heal commanders, and 2 tanks plus Thrawn. The extra tank is the issue. Every video I have seen shows 2 commanders, 2 DT 1 tank and Thrawn. So don’t tell me I am under geared or complaining about easy mode stuff. Obviously there is an issue beyond RNG
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    The event is possible. I had Ezra and Hera at G10 (almost 11) and Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper at G9 (Chopper and Zeb almost to 10). Plus I modded all of them (Chopper not so much). Got through the event just fine. And I was someone struggling and complaining about the final tier being impossible back in October which was the last time the event came around. Just gear the characters better and swap out Sabine for Chopper. The difficulty hasn't changed. Your characters just aren't strong enough yet. Also NONE of my Phoenix characters have zeta'd abilities. I want to zeta one or two of them though. Mainly Ezra.

    I have all GS 9, Hera is Zeta, everyone is Omega Maxed Skills. The difference is they added an extra tank or heal. The game keeps giving me 2 DT, 2Heal commanders, and 2 tanks plus Thrawn. The extra tank is the issue. Every video I have seen shows 2 commanders, 2 DT 1 tank and Thrawn. So don’t tell me I am under geared or complaining about easy mode stuff. Obviously there is an issue beyond RNG

    I think you just want attention or something. ALL the enemies stayed the same for me when facing off against Thrawn in the final round/wave. Nothing was added or removed and they didn't get harder to face. Plus I went in with the same strategy as back in October. Only difference is that I had Chopper instead of Sabine.

    You keep hitting the one with Taunt until it either disappears or Ezra can get rid of it with his one ability. Then you just spam the Death Troopers until the one enemies gets its taunt back. Also, keep calling Zeb in to assist with Ezra. And use Zeb and Kanan's protection up abilities whenever they are available and apply them to whoever has the least amount of protection. Once the Death Troopers are gone, it's pretty much downhill from there. Don't start hitting Thrawn until last unless Thrawn hits you and your characters counter. Focus on everyone else first. Also, use Hera's Backup Plan on either Kanan or Chopper or both if it cools down fast enough. I lost both at one point but got them back because I used Backup Plan on them.

    Oh and just use Auto Basic for the first 3 waves/rounds and disable Auto at the start of the 4th wave/round. That way ALL abilities will be good to go at the start of the final wave/round.

    I did everything I said and finished the final tier with one attempt/try and 3-starred it. So its ALL you. Don't blame the game. As I said, I struggled with the final tier back in October and was complaining about how unfair the game is and that something was wrong on the game's end. It was clearly something wrong with the player (meaning me) and NOT the game. Plus I noticed my characters were hitting A LOT harder this time than back in October. So it was clearly something wrong on my end. Characters weren't good enough. Plus I didn't have Chopper.
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    Sorry not looking for attention as others are reporting similar issues in all the similar threads. I see where I may be lacking though is in speed mods. So thank you for bringing that to my attention. I need to finish gearing my Resistance to open the Speed Challenge Tier 3 during doulbe drops. Hopefully that will give me the little extra.

    It’s a pain, but I am getting the taunt down with Ezra slapping him. I kill the DTs and then the other taunter stops me from killing the stunned one. It’s frustrating to say the least.
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    Took me like 4hrs of trying this morning but I got him 7star. Team was all G8, lvl 85 some omegas no zetas. Just took a while to get the right RNG. But it can be done.

    Sounds like a fantastically fun time. The thing that annoys me is some of the people who are able to 7 star him with bad squads and it's next to impossible for me to even kill 2 toons regularly
  • Loggit
    20 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    The extra healer was there last time too. Just like Vader gets added to the final tier of Palpatine. Take it slow, plan your buffs and taunts, and you'll get it. The damage is just as much as it has been.

    I was getting rolled in October by them, and some improved mods and a few abilities bumped up by a point, I got him. Some tries things would just cascade once a wrong hit got me, but when I did down him, it was with the whole team still standing and mostly full health. Like everyone else says, follow the kill order, and ignore Thrawn mostly. Only exception id say is call as many assists from Zeb as you can spare, at least once the DT's are down. At that point, if you can stun Thrawn a few times, you can buy yourself some time from not getting a bad fracture again while you handle the healers. If he's free to run around Judo kicking people, it's hard.
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    Thanks for the suggestions
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    Potency on Zeb as max as you can and almost every assist of Ezra and Sabine with Zeb to Thrawn. This is key.
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