Mods? Working as intended?

Been playing this game almost 2 years. Been farming mods since they came out and I am no where near having enough mods to mod all the characters needed for light and Dark side toons at the same time. Not even close. Don't get me wrong I have put my $10,000 into this game since day one and I refuse to demod 40+ characters every week going from Light side to dark side territory battles. This expectation is ridiculous. This game isn't fun any more.

End rant.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to correct sub forum.

    I have been playing for the same amount of time, and have put modes on all my toons for LS TB. I'm not saying they are all good but 97% are 5 dot, the last 3% are still on teebo from old school pit runs and other 3 or 4 dot with "good" speed secondaries.

    So it's not hard to get mods for all toons. Almost all of them have mods that fit the characters kits too.

    Now I'd you are saying they don't have good mods I can see what you mean. We all know speed is king and just a little speed is hard to come by.

    Good luck, and I'm sure you are not the only one in that boat, but if you haven't sold any mods (and I have) you should still have enough to put mods on them and get health/protection and potency in the right places.
  • Options
    No, I sold them. Kinda wish I hadn't. What I really don't understand is what kind of income is having a horrible mod system generating? If I need 1 orf 2 mods I'll put money down to get it but I need over 100. No chance in hell of putting money down. The finish line isn't even close. I can't be the only one willing to just wait til I'm close.
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