Thrawn made harder due to zeta addition

Title says it all, I was able to auto 7* at gear 8 4 dot mods and lvl80. Trying to help my brother beat it he's 5 dot prot,speed,potency,crit dmg, on respective toons and lvl 83 and can't get to thrawn with more than 2 people left. Fracture hits for 30k I get the dt they hit hard but I get every one down and thrawn 1 shots all 5 people hitting for 15k basic and counters for 10k and once I get to stage 3 no toons counter anything.. I told him.they probably want you to zeta that's why cuz I beat it first try on auto with much less.


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    And before anyone comes in and says trooper this dt that. I get to thrawn solo with all 5 alive every time and he just hits for 30k 1 shotting every one and no one counters. Sucks for bro I guess:(
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    Bad RNG man. Just gotta keep going till the odds are with you
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    Bad RNG man. Just gotta keep going till the odds are with you

    Negative. People have spent entire days trying to get the "rng" to go in their favor. Just gonna have to either sink gear or a zeta in it. It shouldn't be that rng dependent
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    Yeah it's not RNG, I tried a lot. I've seen the vids of the first event with G8 squads doing it and there's clearly a huge damage difference on both sides of the fight in favor of the AI.
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    I had G8 all except for Ezra at G9 with no zetas and all uniques omega otherwise only ability level 7 and I did it after 5 tries. If you want to have a good time with it you need the arrow mod to be speed primaries on both coper and Ezra then focus on death troopers first (making sure Zeb keeps them both dazed). It's a hard event but if you play it right it's not that bad.
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    I've had serveral tries in this event and everyone properly modded, lvled, geared to 8 and Ezra at g11, with all abilities at omega. And still my whole team gets shredded every time. I've lost count how many times I've tried. Ezra being the best protected and geared and does a lot more damage gets one shot k.o. while at full health and protection(about 55k or so combined). That is not RNG. By all rights Ezra should be able to pick those death troopers clean and quickly with 230 speed before they even get their second round. And should be able to take on 2 or 3 shots from Thrawn. That isn't RNG.
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    Phoenix has been my focus since I started playing in August. I have all abilities at 7, Ezra and Sabine basic omega, will hit 89 tomorrow and can omega two uniques then. Ezra is at g10, the rest are g8. I have mainly 4/5 dot health mods and i get absolutely wrecked by 7* thrawn.. the first three waves are a joke and then before I get my first turn against thrawn I’ve usually already lost one member. I get the speed/potency/mods in general are important but this is pretty frustrating. I’ve tried over 30 times already and will continue to try for remainder of event but I don’t feel like it should be THAT hard. Maybe it’s just me
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    Ulic_24 wrote: »
    Phoenix has been my focus since I started playing in August. I have all abilities at 7, Ezra and Sabine basic omega, will hit 89 tomorrow and can omega two uniques then. Ezra is at g10, the rest are g8. I have mainly 4/5 dot health mods and i get absolutely wrecked by 7* thrawn.. the first three waves are a joke and then before I get my first turn against thrawn I’ve usually already lost one member. I get the speed/potency/mods in general are important but this is pretty frustrating. I’ve tried over 30 times already and will continue to try for remainder of event but I don’t feel like it should be THAT hard. Maybe it’s just me

    Idk man I beat it in October and it wasn't this hard. Me and my brother taking turns on his phone. His team is better in every way and can barely get thrawn solo we got it to a 3 on 1 a couple times but he hits for no lie 30k like how do you combat that. And it also seems no heras lead works stage 1-3 And then on thrawn no counters no healing no protection gain nothing you barely have to attack other stages with all the counters but none. My guys countered like crazy I literally beat it first try but this is nuts.
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    I got thrawn at 5* on October and it was pretty easy. I’m agreeing that it seems ridiculously hard, even tier six was crazy hard for me. I’m more so upset that my primary squad for two months that has been my focus the whole time can’t cut it and who knows the next time thrawn will be out
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    In October it was also hard. Very hard.
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    I beat 7* today, Ezra g10, everyone else g8, no zetas, no Sabine, average mods. It took maybe 20 tries, some of which weren't even close. Totally RNG, so keep trying.
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    I had G8 all except for Ezra at G9 with no zetas and all uniques omega otherwise only ability level 7 and I did it after 5 tries. If you want to have a good time with it you need the arrow mod to be speed primaries on both coper and Ezra then focus on death troopers first (making sure Zeb keeps them both dazed). It's a hard event but if you play it right it's not that bad.

    I had all toons up to at least 190 speed with the proper sets to maximize their kits. All 5 dot mods. Ezra gear 10 and everyone else 8. Your statement only helps my argument. It should not be this rng dependent. A guy with a much worse squad rolled through it his first time in my guild and it took me probably 12 hrs and a zeta. That simply should not be.
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    If you want class balance instead of rng you should probably try a different game. It won't ever happen here.
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    ^ What does this have to do with anything? We're talking about how the Thrawn challenge seems harder this time around and you come back with ... class balancing? Wrong thread perhaps?

    As to OP's comments, I have run the 7* challenge on 2 accounts, one last event and one this time and with very similar teams (gear lvl, mods, omegas, strategy) there's no doubt in my mind this one is a lot tougher.

    The previous event I failed a few times - not very close any time - then swapped in my arena mods and got it on the 2nd go (after getting close the 1st attempt). This time I started with very good to great mods and after a half-dozen attempts (I know, small sample size and all) it's a massacre each time.

    I'll keep at it and if I have any success which changes my mind I'll post here but yeah, it seems they've amped up the minions and Thrawn is resisting everything (that is, the two times I lived long enough to try and stagger/daze/stun him).
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    Sneekypete wrote: »
    And before anyone comes in and says trooper this dt that. I get to thrawn solo with all 5 alive every time and he just hits for 30k 1 shotting every one and no one counters. Sucks for bro I guess:(

    I’m guessing you have Kanan since you mentioned countering, but you didn’t list your squad. If you have all 5 alive with just Thrawn left, you should be able to do it.
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    For another comparison my same Phoenix squad (no chop) beat tier 7 of palpatine event at 75 and g7!after maybe a dozen attempts, and that wasn’t an ideal team for that event. This event is designed specifically for Phoenix, I’m not sure why it needs to be that hard for a lvl 80 squad that’s decently geared/modded to beat. I’ve omega’d Hera and kanan unique and might be able to do one more before event is done, but again, just uniques also shouldn’t play that much into it, not one rank at least. Sorry for ranting it’s just incredibly frustrating
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    If you want class balance instead of rng you should probably try a different game. It won't ever happen here.

    Not sure what this means, probably did not read my post. It's above for reference. I have beaten Thrawn 7* that's why I can refer to difficulty as has many other people on forums.
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    TukkuRask wrote: »
    ^ What does this have to do with anything? We're talking about how the Thrawn challenge seems harder this time around and you come back with ... class balancing? Wrong thread perhaps?

    As to OP's comments, I have run the 7* challenge on 2 accounts, one last event and one this time and with very similar teams (gear lvl, mods, omegas, strategy) there's no doubt in my mind this one is a lot tougher.

    The previous event I failed a few times - not very close any time - then swapped in my arena mods and got it on the 2nd go (after getting close the 1st attempt). This time I started with very good to great mods and after a half-dozen attempts (I know, small sample size and all) it's a massacre each time.

    I'll keep at it and if I have any success which changes my mind I'll post here but yeah, it seems they've amped up the minions and Thrawn is resisting everything (that is, the two times I lived long enough to try and stagger/daze/stun him).

    We actually just got it after nearly 14 hours after massive rng in favor. Still clearly different from October's fight when I beat it.
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    Sneekypete wrote: »
    And before anyone comes in and says trooper this dt that. I get to thrawn solo with all 5 alive every time and he just hits for 30k 1 shotting every one and no one counters. Sucks for bro I guess:(

    I’m guessing you have Kanan since you mentioned countering, but you didn’t list your squad. If you have all 5 alive with just Thrawn left, you should be able to do it.

    Just got it not sure but no one was sharing unique on stage 4 only stage 1-3 it was weird.
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    Sneekypete wrote: »

    We actually just got it after nearly 14 hours after massive rng in favor. Still clearly different from October's fight when I beat it.

    Can you describe the massive RNG? I’m pushing upwards of 60 attempts now and still nothing

  • Riegorn
    100 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Post edited by Riegorn on
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    Riegorn wrote: »
    i got 7* Thrawn yesterday, you just need ton of speed, I had ezra and sabine G10, zeb, kanan, hera G8, all abilities maxed, but no zeta. did like 30 runs with ok, low speed mods, and i was getting destroyed, later after my arena payout, i moved my good arena mods, with ton of speed and did it on 3rd attempt.

    Well I’ve been farming mods most of DD, and have gotten a grand total of one with a speed primary...

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    Ulic_24 wrote: »
    Sneekypete wrote: »

    We actually just got it after nearly 14 hours after massive rng in favor. Still clearly different from October's fight when I beat it.

    Can you describe the massive RNG? I’m pushing upwards of 60 attempts now and still nothing

    Thrawn did not fracture for 3 turns, got Ezra to dispel tank first , got all stuns on dt to land and had 4 up for thrawn and for some reason he wasn't gritting for 20k this time. It was weird almost like game was conceding to let us get it.
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    Ulic_24 wrote: »
    Riegorn wrote: »
    i got 7* Thrawn yesterday, you just need ton of speed, I had ezra and sabine G10, zeb, kanan, hera G8, all abilities maxed, but no zeta. did like 30 runs with ok, low speed mods, and i was getting destroyed, later after my arena payout, i moved my good arena mods, with ton of speed and did it on 3rd attempt.

    Well I’ve been farming mods most of DD, and have gotten a grand total of one with a speed primary...

    I bet his difficulty had something to do with new territory battles.
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    Sneekypete wrote: »
    Ulic_24 wrote: »
    Sneekypete wrote: »

    We actually just got it after nearly 14 hours after massive rng in favor. Still clearly different from October's fight when I beat it.

    Can you describe the massive RNG? I’m pushing upwards of 60 attempts now and still nothing

    Thrawn did not fracture for 3 turns, got Ezra to dispel tank first , got all stuns on dt to land and had 4 up for thrawn and for some reason he wasn't gritting for 20k this time. It was weird almost like game was conceding to let us get it.

    Guess I just have to keep trying :/ thanks for info
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    Critting* . Yea keep at it was weird no more 20k and 30k crits he was just hitting for like 8k-10k don't know if something changed but 30k shots on non debuffed people was just madness.
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