THRAWN Event 7*

It's broken! I know they changed it! I've seen Phoenix squads way lower than mine complete it. Waste of my time and materials! MY SPIRIT IS BROKEN! Yes I'm ****! If this is how your going to be doing legendary events in the future (which im sure they will) Ex. R2, Luke By changing them to make us grind more,spend more ect.. I'm already disappointed!!! This model is unacceptable!


  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It’s not broken you’re just either getting bad rng or your characters aren’t good enough or you’re using the wrong squad configuration.

    Go look in the Thrawn subforum and find strategy advice there.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Instead of jumping to incorrect conclusions, how about asking for help and telling us what gear levels each character is at.
    It took me a ton of tries (over 100) to complete with gear 8 chopper, kanan, zeb and gear 9 Hera and Ezra and my best mods on them. You're probably undergeared.
  • OnJouney
    309 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Sometimes a good rng helps. I also had like 20 trys to get him 7 stars.
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    My team is all 80 (no chop)
    All abilities rank 7
    Ezra basic omega, kanan and Hera unique omega
    Ezra g10, all others g8

    All running 3 dot or higher health mods. Tried to put potency on zeb and general speed anywhere but mod challenges unkind for speed primary.

    If I’m lucky I’ll kill one minion. I try to set up TM in phase 3 but regardless I’m usually down a person before my first turn
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    If it can be ftp’d then good. But not dropping any money to do this.
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    I had all of them lv85, g8 except for Kanan with 7 and Ezra with 10. Couldn't do it. Once I had 4 vs Thrawn but he one shotted two of them instantly.

    So I put Ezra on g11, beat it with like second try, first try was also close. Not sure why it became way easier since I didn't notice much of the difference in damage.
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    For legendary event like this and in order to be safe (no crazy modding) you need all toons G9 and Level 85.

    When you reach this level you are almost certain to clear it.

    Have a look on the forum, there is a specific kill order for the last encounter.

    Good luck ALL. The blue guy deserves it!
  • Sonido
    81 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    did it yesterday with g8 zeb, chopper, kanan, hera and g9 ezra at lvl 83 with average hp set mods at 8-12 speed
    all uniques with omegas ofc and ezra basic with omega
  • Skittlesnacks1
    209 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Focus everything on the death troopers. Dispell the stormtrooper and focus the DTs down. I killed him the second try using G8s by doing this. Plus swapping Chopper for Sabine was a big help. Stagger is your friend.
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    I had Hera and Ezra at G11, Sabine at 10 and Kanan and Zeb at G8 with good but not god mods, must have tried it 100 times and i couldnt do it, i then took Kanan to G10 and within 5 tries i finished it, i think it’s l just down to RNG. 7* Thrawn was always dubbed as an extremely difficult battle
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    You HAVE to get rid of the buff on each of the death troopers. So you dispel the ST with either Chop or Ezra, then dispel one of the DTs with the other then stagger the remaining DT with Zeb. I couldn't do it until I learned that stagger dispels that specific buff. My team had Chop at G10, Extra and Hera at G9 and Kanan and Zeb at G8. None had particularly great mods but most of their abilities had been omegad.
  • AleSahnDroh_1979
    950 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Finally I did!!!
    It was totally impossible until I decided to get the mods of my best 5 toons, then I won on first attempt!
    Before I was trying for dozens of attempts but I almost never attacked in final battle..
    As often, speed was the key (arrow with 30 speed for all).
    My squad:
    Hera, Kanan, Zeb g8
    Chopper g9
    Ezra g10
    Omega on all uniques plus several other omegas.
    I followed the strategy that I read in the forum: first remove the taunt, then kill the deathtroopers, then kill the others, Thrawn as last.
    Plan B on Kanan who taunts.
    Hera calls on assist Ezra or Zeb.
    Zeb increases protection.
    Chopper can taunt if Kanan is fractured.
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