Dark Side Territory Battles

Dear Devs,

I love that Dark Side has their own iteration of territory battles now. I think this addition is great for the game. However the timing of this addition really bothered me. I felt it was rushed out during a holiday weekend without any warning to players. Light side territory battles we were given some warning and some insight as to what we would need. Dark side I felt was just thrown at us without any sort of hint what we would need.

As someone who has been trying to help his guild complete light side territory battles while slowly preparing my roster for the coming dark side territory battles this change isn't as drastic for me as some others. However, as I played through the first combat mission I could instantly tell the Dark Side iteration was not only much harder but definitely required more viable Dark Side teams.

There are about 14 less Dark Side characters in the game than Light side. The biggest problem isn't that there aren't enough good Dark Side teams, it's that we have 14 less characters that can be placed in platoons. Platoons are what can make or break a combat mission and having to fill them with an already smaller character pool is extremely frustrating.

I would ask for a bigger break between this one and the next Dark Side territory battle to not only give us more time to farm teams but also so some of the other bugs that are inherent in any new content can be fixed.

Thanks for continuing to release new content and keep up the good work.
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