Galactic War - Difficulty Levels

123 posts Member
edited November 2017
Foremost, I wasn't one of the those who constantly complained about Galactic War being too difficult. I remembered dying at the table at the second last or last node and it frustrated me deeply but I farmed up and formulated teams to take down a variety of teams to complete it. The last time I couldn't complete GW was in March this year.

So you can imagine my utmost astonishment when I walked into the last battle, against a Sith team led by Nihilus, with Savage, Vader, Dooku and Palpatine.

No zetas. Let me repeat, no zetas.

I get that you want to reward the players who have been stuck at GW a long time but surely, this is going to give them a false impression of their power?
Post edited by Markzheng1102 on


  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    I usually, but not always, completed the old GW. This is a welcome relief and saves me a ton of time away from irl. None of my squads could be trusted on auto before, so I was looking at easily 45 minutes just for GW before.

    Tl;Dr I'm not mad in the slightest.
  • ChrisSkywalker
    553 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Imperial retaliation/rebel assault is the new galactic war in regards to difficulty. Kinda glad of the change. Beating t every day now instead of once every couple weeks is awesome imo. Easy rewards. I’d like a difficulty selection for galactic war would be a great risk to pick the highest difficulty and if you can’t beat it it’s only your fault.
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    Not complaining one bit. So long god modded triple zeta CLS, GK, zBarris, chirrut, fulcrum at g12
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    Have to agree, I farmed up 6 teams of g10/11 teams to complete the gw this past 2 years. It wasn't until I zeta'd Finn with resistance that I started regularly beating all 12 nodes.
    First 6 nodes to prep my squads, resistance for 9 through 10, and then which ever team to soften up then beat last 2 nodes.
    I only just got 150 achievement a couple of weeks before this. Was clearing 5 of 7, now everyday.
    It takes patience and time to manage your roster over single focus arena team.
    I'm can go top 100 in shard, but staying under 200 has been my focus.
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    As a person who has only been playing since April-ish, spending a little money here and there, I was under 10% success rate beating node 12. Sometimes I couldn't even beat node 11. Too many full gold teams on node 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 (when I only had only 3 total gold characters and only 2 total zetas) meant that I was only falling further and further behind in the GW character farming. Step into a newer player shoes and see that this is very much a welcome relief to a lot of players.

    I'm consistently top 50 in arena on my shard and top 10 in fleet arena and being unable to finish GW was absurd. Good riddance to the old GW.
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    I was once a new player too. Farm for the teams and you will accomplish it. There were so many people advocating Zinn teams to beat a GW table untouched even.

    Guess those days are gone.

    I would prefer going up against a monster team. Been getting that since they dropped golden gears. Now the victories are hollow.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    I didnt mind the high difficulty; what bothered me was the lack of incentive. The rewards didnt match the time and effort required to complete GW.
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    I knew I would complete it either way, but it takes much less time now.

    Your "spare the rod" proverb doesn't apply here, since the proverb is discussing discipline, specifically disciplining one's children. We are neither EA's children nor does EA have a right to discipline its customers. Such a claim is absurd.
  • Options
    Your "spare the rod" proverb doesn't apply here, since the proverb is discussing discipline, specifically disciplining one's children. We are neither EA's children nor does EA have a right to discipline its customers. Such a claim is absurd.

    I stand corrected, good sir
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    I’d like a difficulty selection for galactic war would be a great risk to pick the highest difficulty and if you can’t beat it it’s only your fault.

    I would love this too.

    For example, before we enter the table, we can choose which campaign to embark on - like Scarif, Hoth, Endor whereby every 3rd team is a tough team of the faction that best represents it.

    Insert a difficulty setting like Normal or Heroic and then scale the rewards.

    This is the feedback I can think of to improve Galactic War.
  • Options
    New GW is awesome. Previously I had to dedicate an hour or so to each GW, setting up TM on a couple teams, then slotting others in, then retreating and putting in a new squad when something went sideways. Bottom line, even with a broken node 12, fighting a slight variation of all-gold all-zeta CLS rebels in nodes 6 and 9-11 is NOT fun. It's time consuming, and RNG dependant, and was a really poor way to "practice" or test new teams.

    I rarely had the free time to clear before, so this is a great change.

  • Options
    I’d like a difficulty selection for galactic war would be a great risk to pick the highest difficulty and if you can’t beat it it’s only your fault.

    I would love this too.

    For example, before we enter the table, we can choose which campaign to embark on - like Scarif, Hoth, Endor whereby every 3rd team is a tough team of the faction that best represents it.

    Insert a difficulty setting like Normal or Heroic and then scale the rewards.

    This is the feedback I can think of to improve Galactic War.

    Now crossing my fingers and hope a dev reads this
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