Arena Team Help

13 posts Member
edited November 2017
I've been playing since launch, and I feel I've got one of the highest GP (1.2 mil) without having any of the meta characters (I think). So Arena, etc all suck for me and I need some help on what best to do with what I have (No CLS, GK, DN, Chaze). I've gone about farming, etc in a backwards way, obviously, as I've always just done the best with what I have.

I have Zeta's on the below toons (in no order)
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
R2D2 - Number Crunch
Thrawn - Ebb and Flow
Kylo Ren
Qui Gon Jinn

Also, to help out, I am sitting on one Zeta, but I'm unsure where to put it (Bariss, Raid Han, Savage, Darth Sideous, etc)

Yes, this is open ended. I have a full Phoenix squad, all gear 8 with decent mods. So do I Zeta KJ?
I already have Zaul, so do I go for Zavage?
I have Wiggs, should I go with Raid Han?
I have zQGJ, should I go with Zarris.
and on and on and on

So any help you guys can give would be most appreciated.
Post edited by Cabroncito0518 on


  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Try wedge lead, biggs, r2, thrawn, st han
    But you need gk to replace st han.

    You could use raid han instead of thrawn, but thrawn may be better here to shut down baze/gk etc
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    Thanks for the help Mobewan.
    Should I use my zeta on ST Han, or R@'s other Unique?
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    Raid han is my absolute favorite zeta. He just does such ridiculous damage it’s hard to replace him. I highly recommend his.
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    Thanks for the help Mobewan.
    Should I use my zeta on ST Han, or R@'s other Unique?

    No st han zeta! Lol
    Raid han zeta is great, but whether you want r2s other zeta first depends on how much debuffs you face in arena...cleanse on crit is nice, but zeta to raid han makes him totally amazing in arena and outside
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    Thanks for a great tw!
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