All in on Droids or Bounty Hunters?

Since I don't have any Rebels, Empire, FO or Resistance char, I am just waiting for a big faction rework like the one Nightsisters had.

I know we don't have any viable informations, but I was wondering if I should all in on Droids (Grievous, Ig's, Hk etc) or on Bounty Hunter (Boba, Zam, Greedo etc) and hoarding a lot of ressources.

Maybe Droids will get Droidekas and Bounty Hunter will get Jango along with a big rework that will make them viable...

With your experience of the game and maybe some hidden information, what do you advice me to go for?

The game is no fun for me currently, with all those CLS, GK, Zarris and now Jedi Rey, but I'm hoping that one day I will comeback and I fun again.

Thanks a lot.


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    Bounty Hunter would make the most sense to me for speculation since they are now a required faction in the DS TB. Droids have actually had a decent amount of new toons added in the past 6+ months with Chopper, Imperial Probe, BB8 and R2 ..Bounty Hunters haven't had anything new in a very long time. Downside there is BH outside of DS TB are pretty bad. There's really nowhere that they excel.

    On the other hand droids are > BH now generally and with more options AND...if GG gets a rework anytime soon they could comeback strong. Droids have some nice pieces. On pure speculation though I'd say BH are more likely to get some new toon or rework compared to droids because they are a required unit for special missions in DS TB and they have really old and outdated kits.
  • fmf
    38 posts Member
    Bounty Hunters *might* get a rework at some point in the future, but are essentially useless right now. A 7* G12 max modded BH squad gets you nowhere in arena, raids, or TB, and *maybe* helps you kick **** in one TW mission.

    While Droids aren't meta any more, there exist good Droid comps today that will be at least decent in arena, and pretty good in raids. Also - speaking as someone who's main squad was droids until NS came out - Droids are just really fun to play. Some combination of classic squad + R2 and/or BB8 can be really powerful. And I don't think we've seen what IPD can add to the mix.

    Ignore Grievous imo. Maybe he'll get a rework eventually, but ... people have been saying that for > 1 year now. He's still a really expensive farm and gear, and for all your trouble you get ~nothing. All you'll have when 7* g12 him is a toon that isn't useful anywhere and whose only purpose is as an altar for you to pray at for a rework.
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    Yeah Both will definitely get a rework, it's possible rather then just droids they do separatists: grevious Dooku and some droids ect. But don't think 88, 86, or HK are gonna be effected by separatist rework. And 88 is the only bounty hunter tag so not sure about those other 2.

    As for Bounty hunters, since they didn't roll out a rework when they add Bh requirements for DS TB, I found that strange, so I could potentially be quite awhile.

    And Grevious I believe is the most requested rework out there so I would assume he's first but no way of knowing really.

    All that being said Bounty Hunters really suck, until rework. Droids however excluding grevious can be good in the Haat Phase 2 and in general not terrible and fun to play under HK. HK,88,86 Jawa Engineer, and Chief nebit can be good in Haat Raid.

    Boba good stand alone and Ig88 is droid and bounty hunter.
    You could go with Droids/Jawa team and then get Grevious B2 Dooku other separatists ready also and if you wanna do Boba, then you'd have 2 BH if they get the rework first
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    I heard Hondo was confirmed
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