Enemy Slave 1 always goes before mine?

This is really frustrating but I swear I've noticed this happens 90% of the time, no exaggeration. Every time I face an enemy slave 1 in ships they always seem to build up their special, their one with the true damage before mine!

I can't explain why this happens, my slave1 even attacks first during the battle which means he's faster than the evemy however they still somehow get their special off before I can!?!

My BoBa is g10 wity 5 dot mods. Sometimes the enemy boba has more gear than mine but very frequently they don't. Like right before I wrote this it happened to me again and I went back to look at his gear and his Boba was gear 9.

I don't understand why this happens, even though my Boba goes first he still somehow ends up getting his special last, does anyone have an explanation for this?


  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Who is the enemy commander and who are you using? It also goes by turn not by round, so if enemy Boba is having his turn meter sped up by attacking out of turn via Ghost, Jedi Consular, etc his turns come quicker allowing his special to trigger First. It’s why Valor on all ships speeds the living dickens out of Mace’s command ship.
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    Moved to Ships.
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    Who is the enemy commander and who are you using?

    It doesn't matter, last fight was ackbar vs ackbar. Regardless of who I use or who they use I go second 90% of the time
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    There are way too many factors here. The enemy might have ships such as Rex, which can grant TM to other ships and thus his Slave 1 will have abilities ready before yours. You might be attacking him with Fives, giving him TM, etc.
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    Charles Dickens, writer of Scrooge, has his last name *****. This is pathetic.
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    I believe speed is more affected by abilities.

    Just check the enemys speed before the fight
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    Kylo Ren’s shuttle reduces cooldowns, is that in the lineup your facing?
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    PhoenixRvX wrote: »
    Kylo Ren’s shuttle reduces cooldowns, is that in the lineup your facing?

    Never faced it
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    PhoenixRvX wrote: »
    Kylo Ren’s shuttle reduces cooldowns, is that in the lineup your facing?

    This isn't one fight, it's most of my fights
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    I get what you're saying as it used to happen to me a lot.

    I found a good solution. Target lock and destroy asap. If he's dead, yours goes first for sure :wink:
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    Ebbda wrote: »
    I get what you're saying as it used to happen to me a lot.

    I found a good solution. Target lock and destroy asap. If he's dead, yours goes first for sure :wink:

    I try to kill him when i can but since 99% of players run Biggs and vader it's hard to avoid him without a buff immunity. Then scimitar comes and provides additional distraction.
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    I feel your pain. RNG can throw any good plan under the bus.

    I run those three myself with Fett and Fives. Does okay for me but again, sometimes my Slave 1 can be hit off the bat and he's almost useless.

    Good luck! It can be frustrating.
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    Ebbda wrote: »
    I feel your pain. RNG can throw any good plan under the bus.

    I run those three myself with Fett and Fives. Does okay for me but again, sometimes my Slave 1 can be hit off the bat and he's almost useless.

    Good luck! It can be frustrating.

    I just can't figure out how this is possible in the first place. My slave can be clearly faster, going first before the enemy slave at the start of the game but still not managing to get to his special first... makes little to no sense!
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    was your slave ability blocked or sth
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    was your slave ability blocked or sth

    Bro I've played for over a year, i think i would be able to tell if i am ability blocked
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    I understand your frustrations. I find that if I go against an opponent with Slave 1, the determining factor in who wins is whoever gets their Slave 1 special off first. Slave 1 gains 20% turn meter for each critical hit on target locked enemies. I think I am understanding that correctly at least. Could explain their luck. Use Slave 1 to attack target locked ships, which I assume you are as you are likely attacking Biggs.
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