Offense and Defense Mod Questions

What's up my fellow Imperial and Rebel troops, gotta couple of questions about Mods and what they actually effect.

What do the Offense and Defense mods actually increase? Last I understood was that Offense increases damage and Defense increases protection.

Or do Offensive Mods increase all the offensive stats (Damage, Potency, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and Special Damage) and the Defensive Mods increase all the defensive stats (Protection, Tenacity, Critical Avoidance, and Dodge)?
#ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround


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    I believe offense increases the damage base.
    The crit chance and the crit damage percentage will stay the same, but since the original damage has increased, crit hit damage would also increase proportionally
    Defense increases the armor not the protection.
    Higher the armor, the more reduced damage you will take
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    Gotcha! Well thanks for the info!
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
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