Best Jedi Arena squad team suggestions please!

8 posts Member
edited December 2017
Looking for the best Jedi squad possible/leader

Currently run: QGJz (Leader) gear 12, JKA Gear 12, Barrissz gear 10, yoda gear 11, ezra gear 11
-Also have aayla gear 11, mace gear 10, luminara gear 11, ahsoka gear 10, gundi gear 10
-GK 144/145, Hermit Yoda 109/145

When do I put in Hermit yoda and GK (Gear/star levels) and do I make GK leader instead of QGJ?
I also have R2 gear 10, 6 stars and nowhere near CLS

I usually sit around squad arena rank 150, but I would like to break top hundred

Thanks all!


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    I would eventually move toward a GK Lead, with zBariss, Hyoda, R2, and maybe Ezra. Star levels for Hyoda really dont matter much, GK is still viable at 5 stars but youll want him at least gear 10, hope you saved some carbantis.....
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    Well, in that line up you have Id definetely swap zBarriss for Aayla, since zBarriss really only works with a taunt, which you dont have.
    I personally run in my Arena team: GK (L), zBarriss, Hermit, Ezra and CLS.
    Im having excellent results with it.
    So if I were you, Id try getting GK and Hermit as fast as possible (you can run both in Arena @5*, no problem), and since you are missing CLS id probably run JKA or Aayla instead (that would depend on your arena shard).
    Good luck!
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    Thanks to both of you for the advice, Ben your arena team is exactly what I'm looking to build!
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    Glad I could help, bud.
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    I don’t know what your roster is like, but before placing gear on Jedi now it may be worth waiting to see if the new Rey has a Jedi tag first.. could shake up th meta.

    I do agree with advice you’ve been given already, all good l.
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    I run Jedi. My arena team is zQGJ g11, Ayala g12, zHY g11, old Ben g12 and Mace g11. I am also 144/145 on GK. I plan on swapping out Mace for GK when I unlock tomorrow, he’s only in there cause of survivability. GMYoda and Ashoka are too weak. Have enough gear saved to take GK straight to max g11 at 5*. HY is a must in any Jedi team so he should be priority number 1 for you. I was like you and hovered between 150-200, highest finish has been 88 since I got HY. With GK I’m hoping to break top 50.
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