how many crystals do i have to invest to get the 7* vets?

any ideas?

have them 5*...


  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Assuming you have 15 days, 4500 crystals doing 3 refreshes a day should theoretically net 150 shards. If they are exactly 5* you would need another 220 shards, which at 80 crystals each costs 17,600 crystals, for a total of 22,100 crystals.
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    80 crystals per shard
    185 shards of each
    About 30k crystals
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    A lot. Assuming you only farm from cantina, 1100 crystals/day will get you one of the vets in 11 days. This also assumes you're currently at 0/85.
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    Well, 5*-6* = 85 shards. 6*-7* = 100 shards. 85+100 = 185 shards.

    8 shards = 640 crystals in the shop. 185/8 = 23.13 23.13x640 = 14,803.2

    14,803.2 crystals needed. Give or take. For each toon. Granted you strictly bought them from the shop and neglected the cantina. Obviously, the more you pull from Cantina the better.

    Someone double-check my math.

  • Gawejn
    1141 posts Member
    I think around 20k crystals.
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    If you really want to know.
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    i am at 25/85
    refreshed three times a day since appearance in cantina...

    but now i am not sure if i want to pay 200 €...
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Did the math on mine, I'm at 11/85 on Chew and 0/85 on Han. I need roughly 23k crystals, I currently have roughly 6k, so 17k to go.

    I can buy a vault and a smaller pack for $120.


    I can buy a mid pack for $50, then spend $140 on the tiers I still have available for the Rey Google Play Card promotion. $70 extra dollars, but only have to spend $50 in game and get $140 for whatever I want from the Google Play store. Plus a bunch of Rey shards for the shard shop. And a smattering of credits.

    I've spend $20 total on the game in 6 months, but I might actually spend that extra $50 to do this thing.

    EDIT: Forgot that I average 400-500 crystals a day from fleet/arena/etc. Need to adjust my math, but basically I can just do a vault for $100, or can do less on the Google Play promotion.
    I need a new message here.
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    You need at least 19000 crystals. I'm in the same boat. not paying $150
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    All of them.
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    I think a lot of people will pay a few bucks to see her on screen in a few days but not so many will have her ingame. Interesting way to celebrate this new opus. :s
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    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
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    Panic farming calculator
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    Step 1: Build a time machine
    Step 2: Go back in time to when the BB-8 event came out.
    Step 3: Realize what the requirements will be for the unannounced Hero Rey event.
    Step 4: Save all the crystals.
    Step 5: Buy a few shards of the vets every couple of days when they arrive in shipments.
    Step 6: Massively farm vet cantina nodes during double drops.
    Step 7: Farm vets from cantina with 3x100 refreshes.
    Step 8: Finish vet farm and run out of crystals just before the Hero Rey event without spending any $$$.

    I admit, step 1 is the hard part.
  • thomssi
    526 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    skywhopper wrote: »
    Step 1: Build a time machine
    Step 2: Go back in time to when the BB-8 event came out.
    Step 3: Realize what the requirements will be for the unannounced Hero Rey event.
    Step 4: Save all the crystals.
    Step 5: Buy a few shards of the vets every couple of days when they arrive in shipments.
    Step 6: Massively farm vet cantina nodes during double drops.
    Step 7: Farm vets from cantina with 3x100 refreshes.
    Step 8: Finish vet farm and run out of crystals just before the Hero Rey event without spending any $$$.

    I admit, step 1 is the hard part.

    Pretty funny, likely correct and of no practical use whatsoever.....

    Thanks, having a bad day and that made me laugh.
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