How to Mod Kylo Ren Unmasked FO team

4 posts Member
edited December 2017
I've been an FO player for the past six months and have been slipping in arena rank.
With that, I've been working on subbing in KRUM as lead. So with his 20%TM gain on crit...
Is it best to mod FO for crit chance? Or keep them at crit dmg? If anybody runs this team, how did you mod them?
Also I keep hearing about the FO Discord server...does anybody have the link so that I can join?


  • lifeisagame007
    99 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Here is the FO discord server -

    I am running FO as well and can easily break top 50 on daily basis (Phasma (z), Kylo (z), FOO, FOTP (z) and GK). I didn't gear up KRU as I have him only at 3*. Once he becomes farmable I will make him my priority.

    In case you want to check my squad -
  • CandymanJML2
    528 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I mod them the same way I mod my clones. Crit damage/chance with speed arrows and as much crit chance secondary buff as I can. Getting their crit damage above 200% works great. Though with most of the FO toons getting advantage left and right you could possibly sub out the crit chance mods for something else if needed
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    Thanks for the replies, I jumped into the FO Discord, its a cool spot, love all of the info.
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    Under zPhasma, crit chance has very little utility because she grants so much Advantage. It's a little more important under KRU, but he also grants Advantage. KRU is definitely the better arena leader these days (even at 3- or 4-star) because he grants so much health/prot recovery to the team, which was nonexistent under Phasma. I run KRU-lead FO in arena and stay easily in the top 50 and can reliably get top 20 and have finished as high as second in an August 2016 shard. Core team: KRU lead, FOO, FOST, FOTP. FOSF looks like he'll be useful once he's farmable. But until then Kylo or Phasma can each fit in the last slot.

    In any case, my recs on mods/secondaries:

    FOO must be fastest on the team and faster than the other team. Use a speed set for sure. Hope their Han doesn't stun him. Speed arrow. Ideally potency cross, protection triangle, protection circle, BUT speed trumps all, make him as fast as you can, ignoring all other considerations. Secondary priorities: speed, potency, protection.

    KRU lead: Health sets. Avoid potency, he gets no use from it. Protection primaries on the cross, circle, and triangle. Speed arrow. Secondary priorities: speed, protection, health.

    Phasma (lead or support): CD set and either health or CC. Speed arrow, CD triangle, potency cross, protection circle. Secondaries: speed, potency, protection.

    Kylo Ren: CD, CC sets. Speed arrow, CD triangle, potency cross, protection circle. Kylo needs good potency, he gives too many great debuffs. (As an alternate strategy, you could max his protection instead. Under KRU he is very very hard to kill with debuff-heavy teams like the current meta.) Secondary priorities: potency, speed, protection.

    FOST: Health and/or defense sets. I'm not sure the best way to mod FOST, but he's a must on the team. There are two routes you can go: speed + protection, or protection-above-all. I've currently got mine modded with protection above all, and he's got 65k prot, 90k overall HP, and is very very hard to kill under KRU. But! If he's slow (which mine is) he doesn't get many chances to taunt (which also heals everyone on the team (via KRU leader) and gives TM). So you might try to balance the two. I would still try to reach 50k protection. But if you can get that along with +60 speed with your mods, then go for that.

    FOTP: CD, CC sets. Speed arrow, CD triangle, potency cross, protection circle. Secondary priorities: Offense, potency, speed. Once you get rolling, FOO should probably always give his TM/offense boost to FOTP. So speed is slightly less important here. FOTP has lots of great debuffs, so potency is important. But offense/CD should be as high as you can make it. FOTP can one shot many toons at full health/prot when he has offense up and CD up.

    Zeta priority: KRU lead, FOST, FOTP, KRU unique, Kylo. Bonus: Phasma lead zeta is really really fun to play and great in game modes where you don't need KRU's health/prot recovery (or in raids where you might not be able to use KRU yet because stars).
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    Hey there, i could test a bit FO squad under KRU lead for some time, now i use a hybrid team based on FO squad (zzKRU (L), zFOST, Kylo, thrawn, nihilus) because a lot of gk+zariss in my shards. Anyway i'll just talk about mod set up on KRU.
    At first, i even tested with zariss and a focus on health but that just did not work against raid han, so i went for some protection primaries (circle and cross) with a crit damage set (with crit damage on triangle) with crit chance set and of course speed (primary included) .
    Next, i realized he needed much more protection so i sacrificed his speed by switching to protection primary arrow and i also put protection primary on triangle. Now i'm not totally sure this is the right call and still trying other possibilities a lot.
    In the end, i think he needs in top priority protection primaries (more than health) even when paired with a well protected FOST and, if used as leader, crit chance (for the tm gain) and some speed. Honestly, crit damage sounds tempting but not sure AI will actually perform his special attack on a stunned enemy.
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