Why refresh?

Does anyone know the logic(?) behind having to keep refreshing in arena to get the highest rank fight possible? Why? Or better yet, why? Am I missing something? And I'm actually being serious. Snarky, but serious. There is a delay in fights, so you can't spam someone. There are posts and bots that show highest rank possible. And yet, we have to waste time hitting refresh. I beg the devs to help me understand this undesirable game functionality. What purpose does it serve besides aggravating most every player?? Thank you for your time.


  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    I and many other have begged for this throughout the entirety of this game. They do not talk about why or why not
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    True, they can do so that you can always vary it from the highest to the lowest rank possible
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Presumably it's because that aggravation may make you choose a less optimal jump and then use crystals to refresh your attempts later to get as high as you could have had you not given up.
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    Some people have suggested letting you scroll through the available opponents. If this is not an option due to technical reasons, they should just make the left one always the lowest ranked opponent, the right one always the highest ranked opponent and the middle one can be random.
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    I'm just talking in general as to why doesn't "it" just go to the highest fight first no matter what? What's the logic behind it not doing it? I'm not saying it be the only option because you might not be able to beat it. But why doesn't it do, as an example, 13, 14, 15 as first option and then 16, 17, 18 as refresh when your rank is 19. Just clarifying. Thanks for all the comments so far!
  • MonkeyMan_MM980
    7 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I see you posted about this issue too Ender22. Someday!
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