Raid Han/TM Question

140 posts Member
I've never quite understood how TM% gains work with Speed. Say I'm using a 200 spd Han with a Wedge lead. He opens, of course, gets 2 crits. +20% tm. He's the slowest on the team, highest being 250 (not on my team, figured those # would be easier to work with).

How do I figure out if Han's speed + the 20% from Wedge is faster than 250?


  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    Maybe w/ his speed being 80% of the fastest, the 20% gives him a tie?
  • Options
    Dok wrote: »
    Maybe w/ his speed being 80% of the fastest, the 20% gives him a tie?
    This. And ties will cause randomisation of who goes first.
  • crzydroid
    7379 posts Moderator
    Dok wrote: »
    Maybe w/ his speed being 80% of the fastest, the 20% gives him a tie?

    That's exactly it. With the numbers in your example, it would be a coin toss between Han and the 250 Wedge as to who goes next.

    If he is more than 80% of the next highest character, he will definitely go next.
  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    Thanks guys. Will definitely help with speed order building. Have a good one :)
  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    New question along the same lines: what special does Han use first on defense? Deadeye or the buffing one?
  • Options
    Dok wrote: »
    New question along the same lines: what special does Han use first on defense? Deadeye or the buffing one?
    Buffing I believe.
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