Not sure this is WAI

So i just finished my GW and i was facing A Zader lead Zylo palp and Wiggs combo. The team i was using was Jyn lead R2 Pricess Leia and Chaze and Zylo was gear 12. None of my characters are gear 12 but gear 10 and 11 with decent mods. So i get down to Zylo and Zader i use Jyns baton TM removal stun on Zylo he gets stunned then i stun Zader with R2. But for some reason my Damage on Zylo is like Crits for like 500 to 600 damage when i was hitting for 7 to 8k damage with Leia and 18k with Churrit double whop. But For some reason i couldnt get a crit damage over 1k it was all around 500 to 800 damage max on a crit with an exposure on top of it. So it took awhile to kill Zylo but Zader took the normal damage. Anyone have an idea why this happened?


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    I've had this happen and it took forever to beat him. I thought it was just an error I was having.
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
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    Read Zylos kit. I dont know thw specifics off the top of my head but, it's WAI.
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    He takes massively reduced damage when suffering negative effects.
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    well stunned and Burning i guess what caused it. I never knew hed take that much less damage though thats a huge drop off and that seems to never work for me when facing AI with Zylo.
  • TyloRen
    381 posts Moderator
    He stacks defense every time he gets hit until he goes again.
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    I find it strange that whenever I face a zylo, the hits on him are only 1k-2k as per the reduced damage with negative status effects. Yet when I use him myself it never actually happens when he has negative status effects.
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    He doesn't take reduced damage when he had negative status effects, they give him +10 speed each. He takes reduced damage from damage over time, expose and deathmark effects. That didn't sound wai
  • TyloRen
    381 posts Moderator

    Whenever Kylo takes damage he gains 50% Defense and 15% Offense for 1 turn, and has a 50% chance to reset his cooldowns. Kylo takes reduced damage from Percent Health damage effects and gains 10 Speed for each debuff on him. Whenever Kylo uses a Special ability he gains Damage Over Time for 2 turns.
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    If you keep removing his turn meter he will gain defense and more and more defensive each time you hit him, it resets when he takes a turn
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    Kylo has always been one of my most hated opponent, because I use R1 squad so exposes do nothing and he is easy to remove tm so he gains insane defense.
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