Advice needed again for Fleet arena and Squad with Phoenix squad. Top players please

I just hit 60 and I need some help from you guys so I dont lose my advantage. I am top 10 squad arena right now with Phoenix and I Just opened the Fleet arena

I buy 3x cantinas and 5x foods everyday so I can farm whatever needs farming but I need long term strategy

My Phoenix arena squad is Gear 7 and I will take them to 8 so I get Paplatine and Thrawn but where to I go from there? How to continue dominating the arena? On what to focus my energy, cantina that can use Phoenix squad?

Same goes for fleet arena. I was thiknig to go with Phoenix ships because I will easily dominate for 1 month there. With so high crew members and right now I am top 10 by level in the server or top 20 I will hold my own but I still need a long term strategy and where to go from my beginnings

Please if someone can offer some help It will be appreciated

P.S I can buy some packs but what is worth it?


  • Mano
    109 posts Member
    Bobba Fett Slave 1 Pack is good..Yu will need DArk ships to get Zeta Mats for Squad Arena..So Concentrate on Dark ships for now.Try Unlocking Sabine and get Both Ghost and Phantom..Ghost is little Squishy without Phantom.Biggs also has good Ship..Yu should consider him as well
  • Options
    Can I use the ghost/phantom with Tarkin?

    I was thinking to roll something like this
    Tarkin Ghost/Phantom/2x Tie Fighters and Briggs

    I will work on Boba Fett ship? I think the pack is not for sale right now
  • Options
    for in depth knowledge about ships look for Magducky ships guide its super for ships synergies and so.
    Put your Goal as the chimaera as the ultimate reward and work from there.
    The best Capital to start is Admiral Ackbar's oz of synergy with light side ships , keep going for Phoenix ships, Biggs, Wedge , JC is good not perfect but ok, Fives is beast in assists under ackbar.
    Generally put your goal as the next star for your capital ship and work for it, having a big difference between you and others in power is not a big deal , the AI is bad when defending so you can win opponents stronger than you
  • Options
    What to do when I get the Chimaera?

    Will I have enough time to get the 5 empire teams to zeta materials? Can I use some mix ships my shard is new I think I can handle them with crap line up or should I not risk it
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I'm in the same position as you but a shard newer. One thing I feel is key that I did differently to you is that I have Sabine unlocked (only 4 star) but it means that I can use all my phoenix members as crew instead of just three of them.

    That's leaves me with three more slots to fill. Like you it will have to be a hodgepodge of ships because that's all I will have available.

    If you can do wedge and biggs it will feed into one of the phoenix ships having a bonus for each rebel ally and an admiral ackbar lead. I plan on using jc as well and tfp early maybe boba (boba pack has been mentioned as good and he will help for credit heists too). I don't have wedge and Biggs unlocked.

    In the long run I think you want empire ships to work off thrawn. If your pilots can be used in the r2d2 event it is a bonus.
    Post edited by Naraic on
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Toshev wrote: »
    5x foods

    I need a new message here.
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