Your advise to choose next character

13 posts Member
edited December 2017
Hello everyone,

As a beginner player in swgoh, my actual arena team is, at level 58 :

- Luminara Unduli (6 *close to 7*)
- Geonosian soldier (7*)
- Qui Gon Jinn (5*)
- Royal Guard (4*)
My 5th caracter is Jedi Consular (5*) but is currently replaced by Admiral Ackbar (5*) (i really like AA).

I know that team is far from perfect, I made classical beginner mistake to choose characters without looking for synergies. I was planning to farm some rebels next (i already have Lando 4*), but i want a good arena team as a priority. I'm doing around rank 300 at this moment.

A big problem is my Royal Guard : he works very good but is awful to farm, and he will still be 4* when others will be at 7*. I have no other tank to replace him though (only a poor Chewbaca at 4*).

** After Darthpedro, here is my link :"

So I need your wises advises : what carachter should i develop now to fit my arena team? Please don't tell me i should have chosen Phoenix or Rebel from the start, I am aware of that but wish to do my best to make my actual team evolve.

Thank you and regards,


Post edited by Polar on


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    Well it's never too late. Maybe go for Boba Fett he helps a lot at mid-level (at least he did in my time). I recommend you switch to a full synergy team whenever you can however (Empire, Rebels, First Order, Resistance...)
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Kanan is an easy farm, a decent tank, and a rebel/phoenix/jedi, all of which are useful qualities
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    You should register on and post a link so we can see what you already have for better advice
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    You should definitely farm Boba Fett, Biggs, Stormtrooper Han, Leia, and Wedge (after level 69)
    Also your focus should be on getting R2, CLS, Thrawn, Han Solo, and GK more than anything.
    First make a very decent early-on arena team of Wedge, Biggs, Leia, STHan, Boba.
    Then start farming 5 7star Empires.
    Tarkin, Palpatine, Vader, Stormtrooper and TFP are most recommendable, RG or Snowtrooper is also good. Deathtrooper too if you can afford.
    The sole purpose for this empire farm is getting 7star R2.
    Then get Old Ben, Leia, StHan, R2, Luke Farmboy to 7star for CLS Hero's Journey
    Then focus on Phoenix without Sabine. Get them all to 7 star and get Thrawn.
    In the meanwhile join a guild that does HAAT to get Han Solo and General Kenobi.
    Then you get a hyper solid team that a extremely usable in most of the game modes, and from then you can start farming the characters of your own taste.
  • Options
    You should definitely farm Boba Fett, Biggs, Stormtrooper Han, Leia, and Wedge (after level 69)
    Also your focus should be on getting R2, CLS, Thrawn, Han Solo, and GK more than anything.
    First make a very decent early-on arena team of Wedge, Biggs, Leia, STHan, Boba.
    Then start farming 5 7star Empires.
    Tarkin, Palpatine, Vader, Stormtrooper and TFP are most recommendable, RG or Snowtrooper is also good. Deathtrooper too if you can afford.
    The sole purpose for this empire farm is getting 7star R2.
    Then get Old Ben, Leia, StHan, R2, Luke Farmboy to 7star for CLS Hero's Journey
    Then focus on Phoenix without Sabine. Get them all to 7 star and get Thrawn.
    In the meanwhile join a guild that does HAAT to get Han Solo and General Kenobi.
    Then you get a hyper solid team that a extremely usable in most of the game modes, and from then you can start farming the characters of your own taste.
  • Options
  • Options
    You should definitely farm Boba Fett, Biggs, Stormtrooper Han, Leia, and Wedge (after level 69)
    Also your focus should be on getting R2, CLS, Thrawn, Han Solo, and GK more than anything.
    First make a very decent early-on arena team of Wedge, Biggs, Leia, STHan, Boba.
    Then start farming 5 7star Empires.
    Tarkin, Palpatine, Vader, Stormtrooper and TFP are most recommendable, RG or Snowtrooper is also good. Deathtrooper too if you can afford.
    The sole purpose for this empire farm is getting 7star R2.
    Then get Old Ben, Leia, StHan, R2, Luke Farmboy to 7star for CLS Hero's Journey
    Then focus on Phoenix without Sabine. Get them all to 7 star and get Thrawn.
    In the meanwhile join a guild that does HAAT to get Han Solo and General Kenobi.
    Then you get a hyper solid team that a extremely usable in most of the game modes, and from then you can start farming the characters of your own taste.
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