What should I do?

5 posts Member
edited December 2017
I hoarded 30k crystals as F2P from March to August because I was playing pretty casually, finishing Top 50 in arena most times, but sometimes only top 100, then I quit for 3 months. Now I'm playing even more casually since I came back a couple weeks ago. But anyways what should I do with all the crystals?

Side note I also have 7 zetas saved up. Which toons should get zeta'd?



  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to strategy section
  • Options
    Go for CLS chaze r2 zolo(han solo zeta'd) while you gear up han solo use CLS chaze r2 kenobi
    Zeta CLS it binds all things
    Zeta r2 number crunch
    Zeta han solo
    Use your crystals to buy the gear you need
    Farm mods then you are back in the game
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    If you could hoard up that many crystals by finishing top—50 only, I guess you didn't refresh energy much. I'd say do the 3 x 50 energy refreshes daily as a minimum. Throw in a cantina energy refresh here and there. Buy gear from shipments for the rest.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    ...OR throw it all into refreshing cantina energy (at least all 100 and 200 crystal refreshes) to farm veteran smugglers for the upcoming Rey heroe's joyrney
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Oh! I see now that you left your veteran smugglers at 3 stars. Even with all those crystals I guess you missed the train. Pity. You could have gotten a cool hero toon.
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