Your advise on arena team

13 posts Member
edited December 2017
Hello everyone,

As a new player level 58, my actual squad arena team is :

Geonosian soldier (7*)
Luminara Unduli (6*, almost 7*) - lvling with GW store
Qui Gon Jinn (5*) - lvling with cantina store
Royal Guard (4*) - lvling with energy node
Admira Ackbar (5*) - actual leader – lvling with arena store

(sometimes i use Jedi Consular 5* under a QGJ leadership)

I know this team hasn't much synergy, i made the classical beginner's mistake to forget synergies from the start.

My general plan is now to go for rebels (I have Lando 4* raising with cantina).

The Royal Guard is a problem, I think he is amazing but he is awful to farm, and I think he will still be at 4* when others will be at 7*. I don't have any proper tank to replace him. I was thinking Stormtrooper Han but I already use arena store to lvl up Admiral Ackbar.

So I need your wise advises to make this arena team evolve :
What new character should I focus ? Is there a character I should replace for now ?

Here is my link so you know exactly where I am :

Thank you and regards,

Post edited by Polar on


  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Alright first off fleet is about to open for you at level 60. Youve a lot to do between two different arenas.

    I'd probably finish lumi off to 7 star because you are nearly there and having multiple healers can help galactic war.

    You need to decide if you want to focus on the eventual rebel team. Id probably go to a convenient stopping point with lumi and qgj before moving on. If so here is my advice.

    I'm assuming you are in a decent guild? Doing regular raids. If so you probably want Old Ben as your tank. You are buying other stuff in the arena store so can't get sth at the moment and old Ben is the other common rebel tank (baze too but he is gone from guild shop so can't be farmed easily).

    Then you need you push Wiggs. Wedge is in the fleet store and Biggs is in the cantina shop.

    Ackbar OB Lando Wedge Biggs

    Ackbar can be your capital ship commander. Wiggs and JC and GS can be pilots for you and you can use whatever else you have, ahsoka or tfp orsomething.

    Also with OB JC Lumi QGJ you will be almost ready to unlock yoda. You just need one more.
  • Polar
    13 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Thank you for your input Naraic !

    Old Ben would be a solution to replace the "slow to lvl" Royal Guard, and it would allow be to go on lvling Admiral Ackbar.

    Can Old Ben be as good in my arena team as Stormtrooper Han would be ?
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I don't use either however
    Polar wrote: »
    Thank you for your input Naraic !

    Old Ben would be a solution to replace the "slow to lvl" Royal Guard, and it would allow be to go on lvling Admiral Ackbar.

    Can Old Ben be as good in my arena team as Stormtrooper Han would be ?

    I think so he is certainly higher up in the meta report. A lot of guides reccomend sth because Han does double duty in credit heists as a scoundrel or because they were written before Ben got his rework (that added the rebel tag) which lets him benefit from ackbar or lando or wedge leadership.

    By the way I'm a slightly newer player than you though I played a bit before and I read a lot about the game before starting a new account. So don't take me as gospel.
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    Wedge (lead)

    Eventually work in Leia for Lando and R2 for Boba.
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    Your advise is i progressively remove my whole team and replace it with that one ? Do i push my actual team to 7* to maintain a decent arena lvl while lvling the 2nd team ?
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    @Polar it's a slow transition. You go with what you have until you can start putting together a meta team. To be successful in arena, you'll need more synergy in your squad.

    Keep up the good work!
    The Academy of the Fallen
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Polar wrote: »

    Your advise is i progressively remove my whole team and replace it with that one ? Do i push my actual team to 7* to maintain a decent arena lvl while lvling the 2nd team ?

    You always replace your team in this game.

    You need a full meta team and a full ships team (or two really for different challenges) and meta changes when you are late game compared to early game because you can access event characters.

    Ackbar isn't the best for arena meta but he is a good admiral and a rebel so I suggested keeping him since you might need to star him as a fleet commander.

    You will need to transition your team multiple times.

    You will also need 5 7 star empire characters eventually for r2d2 challenge.

    Also you don't need but it's probably worth getting a Jedi team for the Yoda event.
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    If I was you I would try to get wings as it can really help at your level, you could then try to farm Smith as they can be really good a bit lower in the arena and then try to unlock hero’s from the events but don’t forget to try to get characters as they can help if you want to upgrade them
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    Thank you for those advises.

    What are Smith ??
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    Polar wrote: »
    Thank you for those advises.

    What are Smith ??

    I think he meant Sith
    The Academy of the Fallen
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    Ashoka fulcrum Han solo Wedge Biggs Churit Immue
  • Gawejn
    1141 posts Member
    Royal Guard is mostly from bronziums. That was my case. I never farmed him to seven. Why You dont focus on Pheonix? Very good team at the begining and can be used in events. Palpatine, Thrawn.
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    Yeah with iam sorry
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  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Polar wrote: »
    Your advise is i progressively remove my whole team and replace it with that one ? Do i push my actual team to 7* to maintain a decent arena lvl while lvling the 2nd team ?

    Yes. That's how the game's a balancing act...maintain a decent high level team at the same time farming characters to put into your squad one by one. This game necessitates a lot of multiple thoughts and actions. It's complex and challenging. There's never a simple way.

    (The whole game/business relies on you getting frustrated with this and spending money to get what you want. The challenge, for some, is to get what you want without spending. This takes planning and graft. And time. A lot of time.)

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    I get it Coastaljames, thank you
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Genosian soldier and Luminara? It looks like you followed and outdated guide. Those two were the trend 18 months ago. Now, definately go for Lando, St Han and Boba Fett. They are great for a mid—game arena team and furthermore you will need those scoundrels for credit heist, which are both crucial to your income of ressources.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    I see from your profile, that you are mainly gearing your arena team and you are also keeping them at max level. That's great! Good job! :—)
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    RG has a cantina battle; 7-C, but you should definitely farm rebels.
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius. My SWGOH.GG Profile:
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    Nightsisters for the win
    I dont use them, but they are more overpowered at low gear than anything imaginable
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    Mobewan wrote: »
    Nightsisters for the win
    I dont use them, but they are more overpowered at low gear than anything imaginable

    But embarrassing to use...silly Halloweeny ****...

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    ^ cannot use the word "s.p.o.o.k.s".
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    Mobewan wrote: »
    Nightsisters for the win
    I dont use them, but they are more overpowered at low gear than anything imaginable

    But embarrassing to use...silly Halloweeny ****...

    What? Silly to use?
    They're awesome to use....just click auto, lol
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    Just personal opinion mate.

    They're silly... :wink:
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    Just personal opinion mate.

    They're silly... :wink:

    I was being sarcarstic
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    i think you should focus on wedge biggs rebel team for now, they are also pilots and i believe they will carry you good at low level arena, or if you have talzin, nightsister team could be a destroyer at your levels
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    Mobewan wrote: »
    I was being sarcarstic

    Well don't old doesn't become you.


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    I really don’t feel like going Nighsisters, i’ll follow the Rebel path after staring my arena Team.
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    Phoenix Squad
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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