Best Ewok Team

I'm currently building chripa,wicket,paplao,Ewok elder, and log ray is this the best combo for general use.


  • Slugbacca
    15 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    That’s a good team, but honestly I’ve seen quite a bit of people recommend swapping Ewok Elder for Teebo in the arena. EE is needed for Territory battles and Territory wars I’m sure Teebo is great for Rancor, but I think the team you listed works best in HAAT raid Phase 3.
  • Options
    I think Teebo will help you more in Arena. His stealth that gives all ewoks a boatload of TM will give you more of an edge, and his synergy with Wicket's assist that grants stealth to the assistant is just too good.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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