Need a Sith tw squad

I'm setting up a sith squad just for territory wars. I have Vader and palp in another squad. So out of the rest what is a combo? I'm willing to invest a zeta if need be.


  • Riffinator
    2586 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    zMaul, Savage, Count Dooku, Sith assassin(or DN) and Sith Trooper
  • EwokingInTraffic
    100 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Zaul Zavage sith trooper is the backbone to a great defensive tw team......the last 2 are up to u.....i run Zaul Zavage Trooper DN Zooku n its amazing.....people walk to there death especially when its down to zavage or zooku because nobody assumes dooku is zetad n he gets to take an extra handful of toons with him
  • Options
    I have two zetas saved for Rey but after seeing her kit I think I will have more fun building a sith squad. I have maul, dn, sid, built up already. Sa, st, and savage are in the works. I can work on dooku if he is really worth it
  • Options
    Dooku could be assassan if hes further along just forget dooku ul only use the zooku in the tw def n TB maybe but if u have the extra zeta n no good use for it go for 100%
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