Squad Help

I've been playing around with a squad and have been impressed with the damage I'm doing, but still haven't been able to crack the 100 mark in Arena. The squad does do impressive damage (impressive to me) in the AAT raid, not so much the pit though. So just wondering if I'm running the wrong leader or what, what's your input?

L - Bobba (G10, no zetas)
Average Crit Damage: 6-8k
Mod Sets: 2 Crit Chance 1 Potency

Asajj (G11, no zetas)
Average Crit Damage : 15k (20k after someone gets dropped)
Mod Sets: 1 Offense 1 Tenacity

Kylo (G10, zeta'd)
Average Crit Damage: 18k (30k after losing any health)
Mod Sets: 1 Crit Chance 1 Offense

Savage (G11, zeta'd)
Average Crit Damage: 13k
Mod Sets: 2 Health 1 Crit Chance

Barriss (G10, zeta'd)
Average Crit Damage: 6k
Mod Sets: 3 Health

I don't have CLS and I've been looking for something else to use besides just rebels or resistance.
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