How much to get JTR?

There's a player ranked #2 in my server that has JTR max as their lead. I'm curious to know how much that costs...thousands? Tens of thousands?


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    Not really

    I saved gear up from before November in the chance I was able to get Rey (i wasnt)

    Unlocked BB8 7 star and got him to gear 11 instead
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    Her gear is not bad I'm one piece away from g12. Only from hording last few weeks
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    @Goober1_ same here. 25 mk 4 bacta gels to g12.
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    Gotcha, that's a fair assessment
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Just out of curiosity.. did you really think it costed thousands of dollars to get her?
    I started saving my crystals when vets became f2p. After buying the vet bundle, and with all my saved crystals I only had to buy a total of 140 shards for shipments. That was only like 2/3 weeks of farming for me while saving everything.
    Her gear was super easy, kinda reminded me of EP. I’m only 1 stun gun and 1 biotech away from g12 and I didn’t really prep the gear that much.
    So I did it by only buying vet bundle
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    There's a player ranked #2 in my server that has JTR max as their lead. I'm curious to know how much that costs...thousands? Tens of thousands?

    I'm curious to know if she's any good in arena as lead. Please tell us, can you beat her? I don't see her (yet) in my server.
    I want to grow my resistance for LS TB and HAAT and I'm not sure who to zeta lead: JTR or Finn?
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    With finishing at the top of both arenas, and good crystal/gear management Rey is f2p
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    Honestly I did not find the event challenging at all it was closer to a marquee event.
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    Honestly I did not find the event challenging at all it was closer to a marquee event.

    That is good to know but the catch is getting all the required Toons to 7*, most should have Finn and Rey, but BB-8 and Vets Han & Chewie now that is another story.
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    BB8 should have been a cheap and easy farm had you started shortly after he came out. I did that and was ready over 1 month prior to BB8 coming back. I spent around $90 total to get the vets but I was ready over 1 week early so could have gotten by with at least $20 less but I did not start buying vets when they went into shipment. I waited until around 1 week before they went into cantina.

    I'm still battling to gear her up and need a crap ton of zetas mats to get both her and BB8 up to speed
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    IronRanger wrote: »
    I spent around $90 total to get the vets...

    That's a lot of money to spend on a game on your phone.

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    IronRanger wrote: »
    I spent around $90 total to get the vets...

    That's a lot of money to spend on a game on your phone.

    For some people, yes. For some people, not at all.
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