Preview phase for Heroic Rancor and HAAT

28 posts Member
edited December 2017
I'm thinking it would be nice if there was a preview stage, similar to TW, where when you launch Heroic Rancor and HAAT, there's a 24 hour period to enter before being able to damage. Sure, we all run 0/24 but wouldn't it be nice to not have to explain this to new members and to not have to boot repeat offenders?

And on that note, it shouldn't be called "preview". What are you really previewing? How about changing the terminology to "Enlist". You enlist for war, and you would be enlisting to participate in Rancor and HAAT.

Post edited by RedMosquito44 on


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    + 1 000 000
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    I second this whole heartedly! Maybe for the rancor/HAAT let the officers choose the period of delay?
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    Great idea
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    I would like something similar. maybe like a training simulator like pick a phase of haat to see how well the teams you are working on will do ex: if someone is working on a resistance team for a solo of p4 you could try them out and at the same time figuring out what mistakes you may have made in the past instead of having to just hope for the best rng possible
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    I think the original post might have been going in a different direction. Here's an even simpler proposition along that line--

    When an officer starts a raid--any raid--everyone immedialty starts with a logged zero. If you raid with everyone, you score higher than a zero. If you miss the raid because your ladyfriend is giving you the third degree for not asking her about how her day went and you didn't notice she colored her hair, then you still log a zero. You don't miss out on the raid rewards you earned through contributing your tokens.

    This would require a non-trivial coding update. But it would make life tons easier on the palyer base.
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    I think the original post might have been going in a different direction. Here's an even simpler proposition along that line--

    When an officer starts a raid--any raid--everyone immedialty starts with a logged zero. If you raid with everyone, you score higher than a zero. If you miss the raid because your ladyfriend is giving you the third degree for not asking her about how her day went and you didn't notice she colored her hair, then you still log a zero. You don't miss out on the raid rewards you earned through contributing your tokens.

    This would require a non-trivial coding update. But it would make life tons easier on the palyer base.

    Nope. There needs to be an enter period by the guild member, i.e. preview mode. With your suggestion if I join your guild and don't log in for a week I still get to collect raid rewards for doing nothing.
  • DroidsURLooking4
    365 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Winstar wrote: »
    I think the original post might have been going in a different direction. Here's an even simpler proposition along that line--

    When an officer starts a raid--any raid--everyone immedialty starts with a logged zero. If you raid with everyone, you score higher than a zero. If you miss the raid because your ladyfriend is giving you the third degree for not asking her about how her day went and you didn't notice she colored her hair, then you still log a zero. You don't miss out on the raid rewards you earned through contributing your tokens.

    This would require a non-trivial coding update. But it would make life tons easier on the palyer base.

    Nope. There needs to be an enter period by the guild member, i.e. preview mode. With your suggestion if I join your guild and don't log in for a week I still get to collect raid rewards for doing nothing.

    And if you don't log in for a week, but then join the raid during the preview period without contributing any tokens, it's the same result. Having a preview period doesn't protect from this.

    And for that matter, I would question why you <wouldn't> want someone in your guild logging a zero, regardless of contribution.... They aren't bumping someone that paid in their tokens unless you have a bunch of logged zeroes, and they are getting the minimum raid rewards that help themselves and ultimately the rest of the guild for TB and TW. If someone is in your guild, wouldn't you want them to get the minimum rewards so they can get better and help the guild more? If you don't want slackers, then give them the boot. But if you want them in the guild, you should want them to get better for everyone else's sake.
    Post edited by DroidsURLooking4 on
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    Moved to feedback > raids
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    I also approve this.
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    This is an very good idea and if you enlist you and do no damage (same as if you start raid just to do 0) you still get rewards and save a toon for the real battle.
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    Yes this would be really nice!
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