Guild Exchange with rewards

Hi, im here to ask if possible to a change for the guild exchange, i would like to give the idea of giving rewards to incentive people donating, for example if you give one item you gain X Credits depending on the quality of the item and if possible Exp/other mats, this would create a network of people trading with one another and people that complain that we can't sell useless gear would be less mad since if requested trade useless gear for credits, for the inventory the argument of you could sell all your gear is invalid, since the guild exchange let you that because the devs only put a limitation on how much a person could give to a person and not a limitation on the amount of items(per item) you could give, or a minimum that you needed to have before exchanging , hope this bring improvements to the guilds (i notice whales and big characters in big guilds sometimes don't give out much resources)
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