Wow, they capped arena refreshes!

WTH are you devs doing? You guys making too much money, you decided to limit arena refreshes now?


  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    mighty chlorians
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    Sorry you can't pay your way to victory.
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    **** @EA_Jesse ???

    What possible reason could you have to cap arena's regreshes???
    First energy cap

    Now arena refresh

    You guys want us to stop playing your game or what???
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    Explain please, i did 15 arena round today
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    I refreshed 2 or 3 times, then daily action limit. Not all of us buy our way to the top. Some of us pay to stay on top. I usually burn refreshes lineup experimenting.
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    well, this is dumb. i normally buy refreshes to try random teams as well, since i sit at rank 1 all day.
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    Seriously, what good reason is there to cap arena refreshes? If they say "to be fair" its pure ****. You just limited people from trying to improve their positions.
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    Everything EA does is for the best interest of the game so stop whining you nub
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    Jesus747 wrote: »
    Everything EA does is for the best interest of the game so stop whining you nub

    The new credit/droid event has be soo helpful
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    Jesus747 wrote: »
    Everything EA does is for the best interest of the game so stop whining you nub

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    If this is true, I heartily applaud it.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I refreshed 2 or 3 times, then daily action limit. Not all of us buy our way to the top. Some of us pay to stay on top. I usually burn refreshes lineup experimenting.
    Seriously, what good reason is there to cap arena refreshes? If they say "to be fair" its pure ****. You just limited people from trying to improve their positions.

    These are funny. If other people can't pay as much to beat you you don't need to Payne much to stay on top.

    Without details on the change I'm not sure if it's positive or negative.

    What should be prevented is locking people out from challenging you by repeatedly refreshing and sitting in 5 min battles near the deadline.. It seems dumb to prevent people from having lots of genuine attempts at increasing ranking.

  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    this is a smart anti - pay to win advantage, but what it is good for is some of the craziness - overall its good not great, but not bad either...

    they seem to have brought some interesting anti p2w while still keeping a payer advantage , i give them credit for that
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    I did not notice this but it is awesome, I have had a resident whale sweating trying to keep first and I keep beating his all star Jedi team with Aayla and jinn. My team cost 1000s less than his and he can't keep first! <3 EA
  • Ascansio
    270 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    What I'm troubled so much with this is, another action taken without a proper announcement. First, energy stock limit and now, this. Ninja toon nerfs are also a honorable mention.

    What's wrong with you, CG? Don't you see that the community reacts so negative into this kind of stealth adjustments?
    Team Instinct - #1 PvP Powerhouse, dedicated with the strongest compassion to dominate.
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    Vampire_X wrote: »
    this is a smart anti - pay to win advantage, but what it is good for is some of the craziness - overall its good not great, but not bad either...

    they seem to have brought some interesting anti p2w while still keeping a payer advantage , i give them credit for that

    No it's really not. If you pay to win, you need no more than 2-4 matches each day to hit #1. I personally burn through 3 matches at 9am for the bounty and then use my last two to either hit rank one or lock it out.

    If you pay to win and can't hold rank 1 with 15 matches you are doing something wrong. Hell in my particular instance I could lock out the position for an age!

    Anyone who refreshes more than twice is doing it for fun. To have something to play. It's literally just closing off a revenue stream.

    That is illogical. Same as the shard shop, no point spending more to buy a couple of shards a day I can farm easier. And so on.

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    It has more to do with not being able to play more (test squad synergies etc...) rather than atempting to remain #1

    You only need 3,4 fights to get #1 and lock it if you are a whale...

    However when you've done all the missions, gw, challenges etc... It was nice to he able to play around in arena with some fun teams...

    So again they want us to play less...
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    I got to the 100 refresh and decided not to spend it today, what is the cap actually at?
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    I can understand the frustration here. I think it was done to help prevent some of the arena lock out problems. With that said- could we please suggest a free unranked pvp system to play and test strategies?
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    This explains why I didn't drop out of top 50 sooner.
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    Stormy wrote: »
    could we please suggest a free unranked pvp system to play and test strategies?

    They don't want people to burn out (unless they pay heavily for it).

    It's also the best for you. Get out IRL get some sun rays. Then when you come back to the game, it's more enjoyable because of the contrast.
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    Buyers remorse. Don't worry its rampant with this game. It's a good game if you play 30 minutes a day. The days of being able to play all day for $20 are gone.
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    There are other issues with the arena. This just adds to them
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    Did they cap it? What level of refresh?
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    I refreshed two times today and then the cost went up to 100 but it was still doable? Had it been only 50 before no matter how many times you refresh? I've never used more than two...
  • D_Millennial
    847 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    RonTom wrote: »
    I refreshed two times today and then the cost went up to 100 but it was still doable? Had it been only 50 before no matter how many times you refresh? I've never used more than two...

    It's always been 100 after the second refresh.
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    What's that cap? (i.e. how many time can you hit refresh?)
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    I'm pretty sure I refreshed twice. Third time wasn't a charm.
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    I'm pretty sure I refreshed twice. Third time wasn't a charm.

    So it wouldn't let you refresh the third time? Did you have enough crystals?
  • Ozington
    15 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm pretty sure I refreshed twice. Third time wasn't a charm.

    So it wouldn't let you refresh the third time? Did you have enough crystals?

    Can confirm that he had plenty of crystals.

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