Old Topic but I need Guidance...

409 posts Member
edited February 2016
Hey all,

I'm a small spender, I've probaBly dropped about $80 on the game primarily for crystal boosts. I've been on the forums, read all the guides, tried to play it smart... but I'm stuck. I have only ever finished 2 Galactic Wars and can't get passed the 6th battle - on a regular basis. I get to 5 and start hitting lvl 70 monsters for 3-4 battles in a row, wiping out all my fodder and my main squads. Reviewing my squad of troops here, what do you guys suggest I do?

Here are the screenshots for my crew



(Personal Favorites)




(Personal Secondary Favorites)

- Cad Bane
- JC
- Asaji ventress
- Plo Koon
- IG-86
- IG-88
- Greedo




( Old Daka, Count Dooku, Poe Dameron, Finn, Boba Fett, Rex, Rey, Barriss)

I'm close to having most of those characters unlocked. In any case, given I have dozens of lvl 50+ fodders, about 20 lvl 60+, 10+ near max level and gear, I'm getting torn apart and cant get passed the 5th or 6th GW Battle. I can get to around Rank 200 in Squad Arena when I hit max lvl 70 full squads, can beat some, snipe into top 125 but by end of dya i settle around rank 300-350

I'm totally tapped out and stuck and don't know what to do here or what vital character I'm missing that I don't have... my Lumi has shards for 7 star but i am broke on credits, cant get any 'cuz i cant get deep at all in GW.... JC is lvl 61 and not max gear so he's very squishy so I usually run Lumi and JC into about battle 5 in GW and then I start losing healers, food and eventually everyone by 6th or 7th battle...

Thoughts here, any of my mian cast I should continue making sure is totally maxed? Any of the common characters that are essential for a deep run in GW? Secondary Characters that I should focus on?


Looking at my crew, what should I work on?
Post edited by DarthCyren on


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    Barris L + JC + Sid + QGJ + Any good burst DPS (I use Leia, but GS IG86 etc work too)

    That team will take you most of the way through GW and some days I don't even lose a member. I'm also stuck facing level 70 6-7* squads almost constantly now.

    Your squad lacks recuperating power. Lumi has a really long CD on her heal. JC and Barris are much better for longevity. Sid and Leia both passively self heal. That's the kind of team you should go for in GW.

    From what I'm looking at, you should gear up JC first and max his heal abilities to lower his CD substantially.

    Id suggest you run Lumi L, JC, Sid, Yoda, and Kylo in the short term.

    But work towards:
    1. One True BURST DPS that is not a Jedi (so you can kill Sid easily) to replace Kylo.
    2. Barriss for her passive L health bonus, heal over time and equalizing heal to replace Lumi.
    3. QGJ for yoda, but that part is debatable
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    My squad

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    after that, try to build subs for each part of the team for when you lose a member you can continue on with a very similar member.

    Like, Barris dies...Lumi goes in.
    Sid goes down, put in Kylo/Anakin/ig88
    QGJ dies, in goes Yoda or Poggle or Phasma
    JC goes down, send in a healer
    Leia dies, in goes GS, or IG86

    Build modularly, not completely separate teams and know who you can replace and who you can't, before each fight.
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    First of all you need to be running 2 healers. And then what I do is that when one of my characters on my main squad gets killed I forfeit and try again but this time I target different people and try different ways. It usually works 90% of the time.
    But sometimes you get a squad that will off one of your main characters. That's when I forfeit and retry with my backup squad. Try and kill at least one of the main reasons that person is killing my main squad and then try again with my main squad.
    I haven't lost a GW since the time I started when I didn't know what I was doing
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    You need JC lv 70 5* minimum two healers .. i was having the same trouble as you about 2 weeks ago, now im 12 wins straight without losing a single character
  • Camalus
    217 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm a fan of the Ackbar/JC healer team, if I had lumi it would be a no brainer of course but hes working ok for me. The removal of bad JuJu by Ackbar works like heals on so many levels.

    I chose to farm Ackbar Instead of Lumi and I really cant say it was a bad decision.
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited February 2016
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    Bumping as included my roster list and screenshots. I understand I need to buff out JC and try and snag Barriss, but beyond that are there any other thoughts on who to also work on after looking at my crew?
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    Get dooku from the cantina battles if possible. So clutch to get a sure fire stun on every lumi. You just gotta back out and change your characters and figure out the perfect way to play a match so you move on with high health and no cool downs if possible.
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    Can you get Dooku from Cantina Battles or is he in Shipments?
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    You have to be level 69 to unlock his cantina node. An easy farm from there
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