Help with Preparation H(AAT)

140 posts Member
I still hope for the best, but my guild is still quite far from completing the heroic tank raid. Although my roster alone won't make the difference, I'm hoping the all-but-confirmed incoming CLS can solve a piece of the puzzle (still not enough for us to finish, but enough to alleviate some pressure and focus on another area more).

If anyone has the time, could you look at my roster and give me advice on my weak points for HAAT? Assume I'll have CLS and a zeta available soon. Maybe a little help with Arena optimization too, if it's not too much to ask.

If you've read this far and don't have the time to look through my roster, thanks for your time anyway :)


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    Your roster looks really good cls will make you ready but not so your guild. If you're interested you could join mine ?
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    Well, you need to start by leveling your 7* toons to 85, then work towards the teams below:
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    there is this video on youtube that the guys soloed the Haat with 5 teams. 'haat 5 team solo'

    great video.
    most of the toons are pretty F2P or at least pretty accessible
  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    Thanks for the help so far guys.

    @squeak1414 Thanks :) gonna stick here for now though

    @darkstar Thanks for the pic. Nice guidelines I can work with.

    @Grokusama I'll look it up. Thanks

    @ObiJuanPollo p1/3 are the worst for us. Hoping CLS helps, and I'm working on Chirpa and Shore stars for p3. We are still working through 100% 0 dmg Rancor guildwide, so our ability to coordinate is terrible. Not really in to jumping. Detrimental to me, but I'm loyal to a fault lol. Thanks for the time and advice still, though :)
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    @Dok that HAAT infographic is useful, but doesn't tell the full story since some of those teams are more cost effective than others if you are trying to take the "homegrown HAAT" approach. Gear levels and mods will produced a wide range in performance between your guild mates that use the same team types. If you have some awesome mods, you can pull off higher percentages than those listed below.

    There are numerous ways to achieving HAAT, but below are some percentages that my guild experienced when making the transition a couple months ago.

    P1: 1 x player with CLS can clear P1 in under 10 minutes using 4 - 6 attempts; Only use zKylo, zSavage, CLS teams for P1. this will free up your other teams for later phases

    P2: Zader teams - 4%
    Zader/Zid - 5-8%
    zFinn - 15-20%
    BB-8 + zFinn - 40+%

    P3: CLS, Jyn, Chirrut, 2 x Tanks - 15%
    CLS, Jyn, Chirrut, Raid Han, R2-D2 - 20-25%
    Chirpathrawn - 10-15%
    Chirpatine - 4-5%

    P4: Rebels (wiggs, leia, R2) 5-10%
    Wiggs, Leia, R2, CLS - 15-20%
    zFinn - 20+%
    BB-8 +zFinn - 80-100%

    TL;DR - every CLS, BB-8 and Thrawn that your guild has will make clearing HAAT that much easier and allow you to focus on "super teams" vs everyone trying to field 2% per phase. The right g11 synergy team can easily outscore the cumulative score from three g8/g9 teams.
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    Zylo or Zavage can solo P1. It just takes very good mods and gears on them and requires good RNG and takes much time.
    For P3, Chirpatine is easy to set up, and does decent damage. Though I use Chirpathrawn, advanced version of Chirpatine, G11 EP does 1.5M+ damage with 2 tanks(G8&G9 each) protecting him.
    If everyone can cooperate, it shouldn’t be hard.
    Sometimes kicking out least cooperative member does the job. We had an issue of 0 damage rule, and after kicking out the guys breaking the rule, nobody is breaking the rule so far.
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