Can't get to 6* for any fleet commander

Could really use some advice as to what I'm doing wrong with my fleets and ship building. I'm approaching 2M in GP and I still don't have a 6* fleet commander ship yet. I've been trying for months and can never seem to beat them. Can someone offer some advice as to what ships I'm missing in my fleet or who I should start versus set aside for reserves? Super frustrated, thanks in advance for the advice.


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    There is literally nothing else you can do other than keep trying, even though most attempts are hopeless from the start. Eventually you'll get lucky. For me, at least, leveling ships and pilots has had zero effect on the difficulty of this game mode. It's pure luck.
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    5* mods on all of your pilots. Any 5* mods will do. Speeds them up.
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    5* mods on all of your pilots. Any 5* mods will do. Speeds them up.

    Thanks! I've been noticing my fleet is in fact much slower than my opponent, which is probably why I'm getting killed so quickly.
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    You have a few low dot mods that could use replacing but i dont think that is the problem. You will never get faster than the AI in these challenges.

    Your pilots are well geared, max skills, max level, mostly max mods. You are ok.

    But maybe you need strategy. On your starting lineup, use all your target lockers to keep biggs alive.
    Ghost and Phantom also have good synergy (taunt and evasion) so try them with biggs and 2 more target lockers.

    In the challenges against mace windu, ahsoka will remove buffs so she is usefull. The kill order for this one for me was ahsoka, jc, rex, clone seargents

    Against tarkin, if they kill one of your ships in their opening volley, restart. The kill order for that one for me was fotp, boba, tfp

    Against akbar, i dont remember, it was easy.

    In all 3 of them, you just have to get lucky that the opposing capital ship doesnt call reinforcements.

    But your fleet looks solid.
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    Mobewan wrote: »
    But your fleet looks solid.
    Thanks for the strategy. I'll definitely give this a shot once I rework my mods!
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    Mobewan wrote: »
    But your fleet looks solid.
    Thanks for the strategy. I'll definitely give this a shot once I rework my mods!

    Dont sweat the mods too much. 4 or 5 dot at lvl 12 or 15 are fine
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    Sorry to say, but the fleet AI cheats and cheats constantly. Even when my capital ship is faster, I see the AI cap ship go first, a lot. The AI gets crits almost 100% of the time, the capital ship uses its special abilities as if they don't have any cooldowns, etc. Tarkin's imp assault has wiped my teams before, regardless of how healthy they are (even with 5) and when I use it (mine's at level 4 now) I'm only sure to win if there are less than 4 ships. (Though last week the AI had TWO ships left when I used it and both survived, because yeah, totally legit. - and no, they didn't have mace's invincibility on it, though I wouldn't be surprised with the AI using that for Ackbar.)

    It is even worse in those missions than in the fleet arena.

    I don't have any of them up to 6 star, don't feel bad. My executrix (Tarkin) is max level and I still haven't been able to do the six star mission successfully. Good luck, be patient.

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