New player looking for Arena suggestions

I've been playing this game for less than one month and I'm 53. My arena rank has been decent (100-200), but it seems like I'm beginning to slip. I recently switched to AA(L), Boba, Lando, Jyn, and JC. I'm trying to replace JC with STH, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

I'm having particular difficulty with Phoenix teams, which are swarming my shard. I usually avoid them altogether. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good Arena team composition, and possibly what to do about Phoenix teams?

Here is my profile:

Thank you for your help!


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    Lando, Biggs, Boba, STH, Akbar
    you dont have much non-damage abilities to use akbar as lead

    Phoenix team is harder to start with, you need to get Hera and Ezra from cantina both
  • bouta
    3 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Good point the non-damage abilities. I'll try this out. Thanks!
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    I used to fear Pheonix squads too, but since I built up a decent Rebel team I walk all over them. Hold strong and get Wedge as soon as you can to bump you up to that next level.
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    Fight fire with fire.....go get a start on your Phoenix squad. . you'll need them eventually for many other things.
  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Wedge, biggs, ezra, st han and boba is what i used early on. Boba isnt a good fit though, his aoe will get him killed and his bleed will heal them.

    You cant use AOE on phoenix until kanan is dead.

    You might consider gearing nightsisters as well if you got a 2* zombie, 2* spirit and 3* mother talzin, you can beat them all and every other team too. You have to gear them up of course, and add ventris plus acolyte of talia.
    Post edited by Mobewan on
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Jynn Lando Boba

    You have three area of effect attacks. I run Phoenix on a young shard. If I was offered your team to attack I would nod my head and say yes please. Kanan gives all of phoenix counter attack. You use three aoe close together and you get what was described by one youtuber as Kanan's counterattack **** of death.

    Too much aoe given the amount of counter attackers in your shard.
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    Great suggestions, thank you! Boba is definitely no good against Phoenix. I like my rebel team, so it sounds like Wiggs is the way to go.

    \holding strong
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    bouta wrote: »
    Great suggestions, thank you! Boba is definitely no good against Phoenix. I like my rebel team, so it sounds like Wiggs is the way to go.

    \holding strong

    With Jyn Lando and Wedge you still have 3 area of effect attacks. Kanan's counter can still make mincemeat of you. I would definitely try and keep it at 2 or less aoes.
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    I use a Phoenix team and am roughly your level. The teams that give my team fits (aside from higher-level Phoenix squads) have multiple high-damage dealers (Rey, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader) who can overwhelm the natural Phoenix survivability.
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