Best counter teams.

One thing I've been noticing, is certain squads can really stop my guild from advancing more than others. Cls, phoenix, night sisters, first order, and ewoks are the worst. Any of them can be beat by a higher power meta team. But what teams counter them that are similar in power and not a squad you would use for defense.?


  • BeijiraReykvana
    57 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    In a scissor stone paper game, you need to know what teams beat which others.
    Phoenix can be easily beaten by a single-target, high-crit team like Wiggs, Boba, Scavenger Rey etc. Just take out Chopper first and Kanan second, the rest is easy.
    Night sisters (especially when used with Zombie) in contrast need AoE. Rogue 1 teams might be good, as well as Sith, Lando and Wegde, etc.
    Against GenKen/zBarris, not only JTR, but also Nihilus lead Sith (NO Crit dmg) are good.
    There is no ONE solution, you need a toolkit as versatile as possible and choose your "weapons" wisely depending on the defense you are encountering.
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