Rogue 1 versus Phoenix squad?

I have been using both these teams every so often but I don't know which one is better to focus on. I have thrawn so Phoenix squad is not much of a big concern but I don't know which group is better. Rogue 1 may not have the unique ability sharing but it does have 2 taunters protection recovery and of course ally revival whereas Phoenix is mostly all countering with a chance of ally revival and protection recovery. So in anyone's opinion which rebel team is better?


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    If you have Baze than rogue one. Otherwise Phoenix
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    agreed with above. If you can clear all the CM battles in LSTB with your phoenix squad focus on Rogue 1 team. They are super helpful in Territory Battles and Cassian is a super underrated toon IMO.
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    Also agreed with above
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    Mid tier yeah, sure. A maxed out Phoenix squad will destroy a maxed out R1 team though.
  • Creepioo
    598 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    The thing about Rogue one is they don't need any zetas to be really good. @DedrickRogue how could a Phenoix be better then Rogue One I'm confused? Maybe they are just as good in TB but In a PvP Rogue would easily take the cake. And R1 units are also much more useful in Raids.
    Post edited by Creepioo on
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    A competitive r1 squad needs at least 1 zeta, on Jyn. The only thing that masks mediocre r1 squads is how crazy good Chaze is/was.

    TB is a wash, both can clear p6 and both are required squads for LSTB.

    Only Jyn is more useful in raids, the rest sit the bench.

    Arena has to go to Phoenix. A full zeta(or even just 2 or 3) Phoenix is not the pushover you think. They get crazy TM gain, it's impossible to keep buffs off them, protection regen is WAY better the HoTs, they all counter, and have multiple buff wipers & taunters.
  • Creepioo
    598 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I'll give you that I'm probably underestimating phenoix but your definitely underestimatimg R1 also. To be fair in Arena I use R2( he's R1 in my book cuz he's in the movie lol) instead of Baze, but R1 is no joke. Maybe Phenoix could be decent in arena. But I don't think they could compete with CLS and other top squads like R1
    Jyn's also not the only useful one I'm raid Chirrut is amazing and Cassian can be pretty good.
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    I think Phoenix needs their whole zetas to fully work and be hard to beat. In TW, I usually use Rogue One to beat them (without Chaze) using Jyn (no zeta), Cassian, K2, Bodhi and Bistan. Even if they're undergeared compared to the Phoenix, the amount of expose first heal them but nevertheless, when they have no protection anymore, 5 exposes are deadly.
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    Creepioo wrote: »
    I'll give you that I'm probably underestimating phenoix but your definitely underestimatimg R1 also. To be fair in Arena I use R2( he's R1 in my book cuz he's in the movie lol) instead of Baze, but R1 is no joke. Maybe Phenoix could be decent in arena. But I don't think they could compete with CLS and other top squads like R1
    Jyn's also not the only useful one I'm raid Chirrut is amazing and Cassian can be pretty good.

    R2 isn't a Rogue One character, regardless of whether he was in the movie.

    Rogue One squads aren't a "top squads" in arena, and certainly not on the same level as CLS squads.

    What raid is Chirrut or Cass amazing in?

    Phoenix is an objectively better squad. They get you Thrawn, you need both ships for Chimaera, and multiple have triple tags. They are easily the best possible "return on investment" you can get out of 6 characters....they just are a pain to gear.
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    I agree getting Thrawn is a major bonus.
    As far as Chirrut he's one of the best healers, he cleanses, and hits hard, he's really fast and gives buffs to survive p4 of the Tank if needed, and fits into many squads, he's amazing imo. Cassian has Speed down which can be really important in raids and has synergy with rebels so not amazing but good Imo.

    And just because nobody uses R1 in your arena shard doesn't mean nobody does. I'm the only one in my Shard, and I can beat the CLS squads except about 10 that have mods way faster then mine. CLS is better at defense but I can still compete on offense.
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    Creepioo wrote: »
    And just because nobody uses R1 in your arena shard doesn't mean nobody does. I'm the only one in my Shard, and I can beat the CLS squads except about 10 that have mods way faster then mine. CLS is better at defense but I can still compete on offense.

    Absolutely agree. I'm not even suggesting my specific launch shard is an perfect model of everyone's shards. I also am not suggesting a R1 team can't climb high in the ranks, even on an older shard. They are a very respectable team and a ton of fun to play. Chaze-less R1 is/was my last big full team project(Phoenix was before that, Troopers are next).

    Most teams given the gear, synergy, mods and a zeta or two can take out 90% of the competition on offense. There will be that one or two leads or characters that are basically a hard counter, but most will climb just fine to a certain point. It's where you start running into issues, and how far you fall on D that is equally important. Phoenix and R1 both are fairly solid on D, but I give the edge to Phoenix. Zeta Kanan & Sabine are absolute monsters who can't be allowed to even take a single turn unless Ability Blocked.

    Plus as stated they are required/help towards multiple more events, that alone in my eyes makes them the better squad to advise people to gear up.

  • Anakin_Skywalker
    1801 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Rogue one. All of their kits are interesting and some are fun. I love Cassian and Jyn's kit, they do well already at gear 8. Due to multiple exposes, they can take out PvE bosses very effectively. Phoenix on the other hand is kind of dull (before Sabine Ezra Kanan Zeb zeta) because they take so long to do some damage. They are so painful to play especially in PvE such as Secrets and Shadows or Military Might. However Sabine's zeta would make the whole team completely new.
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    But unfortunately, Phoenix is required in many aspects of game, Rogue one is much less required.
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    I use the standard R1. All zeta. All g12 except Cassian/K2so are g11. I can beat the majority of people with similar speed if I play right and don’t get unlucky dodges and evades. However, if I lose Jyn... it’s almost game over against meta teams. I only do my 2 squad arena battles and easily stay in 60-70 place which is fine by me. I prefer fleet arena. Phoenix are also good. Easier to 7*. Sabine and Baze are the hard ones, and you can round out Phoenix with Chopper while you get Sabine shards. R1 without Baze... no thanks. However even a low star Baze can hold his own. I like both, but prefer playing R1. Wouldn’t say anything bad about either team.
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    Phoenix has the potential to be better, but Rogue One is relatively easy to make into a good team. At their max potential, Phoenix is a more powerful team, but it takes many Zetas for that to happen.
  • thomssi
    526 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    BulYwif wrote: »
    I think Phoenix needs their whole zetas to fully work and be hard to beat. In TW, I usually use Rogue One to beat them (without Chaze) using Jyn (no zeta), Cassian, K2, Bodhi and Bistan. Even if they're undergeared compared to the Phoenix, the amount of expose first heal them but nevertheless, when they have no protection anymore, 5 exposes are deadly.

    You use Bodhi!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There was me (and almost the entire rest of the player population) assuming he was just meat for pigs posting zero.

    Wowsers, Devs, this dude needs a reward.

    Now just need someone who uses Pao. Nah, that would just be too weird.
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