
posts Member
edited December 2017
Hello all,
I need advice on character power ups using Mods. I can’t seem to get the right combos, especially for Palpatine.
Please advise
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Attackers generally need Critical chance and damage sets.

    Tanks generally can be given health or possibly defense (depending on armor rate).

    Supports should usually be given speed sets to use as many abilities as quickly as possible with either potency or health for the last two slots to help either with applying debuffs or survivability.

    As far as primaries,
    Almost every character needs a speed arrow if you can get one. Crit avoidance is all but worthless, sometimes protection or offense is nice.

    For the circle most characters will benefit from protection more than health unless they have a lot of health-based abilities (like healers or a zeta Savage). Also below G9 many characters have larger health pools than protection pools and might need health primaries instead.

    For the cross you can do offense for your main damage dealers, potency for any important debuffers (like maybe Palp), or apply the same logic for a health or protection primary as with the circle. Tanks and supports that don't debuff (like Akbar) usually should get protection. Tenacity is a worthless stat almost everywhere.

    For the triangle you want crit chance or damage for most attackers if possible, protection/health for tanks. Supports can vary but apply the same generalizations as above.

    Squares and diamonds don't matter because they are always offense or defense respectively.

    As far as secondaries go, 95% of the time the only thing you really care about is speed. Some exceptions include Zeta Finn Resistance teams, where you want to focus on potency on some toons and only need really good speed on Poe. Certain other characters like Baze receive a lot of TM from their abilities and don't need speed very much.

    For Palpatine specifically, you can mod him a lot of ways. Speed is great for him but he also should get potency and some health/protection because he is super squishy. His leadership helps with both health and potency to some extent, reducing your need for those, and he can also get TM from his debuffs. The way you intend to use him will thus change how you mod him. In arena focus on speed, but for some raid phases or GW, health and potency sets may be better.

    Overall, watching some YouTube videos should help you. Most of the time the videos will show off what mods are used on the characters featured in the video.
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