Gear for R2 event?

33 posts Member
edited December 2017
I’m getting destroyed in the 7-Star R2 event. I have Palpatine, Vader, Royal Guard, Tarkin, TFP, all 7-stars, but none better than G8, and not great mods. (Alas, my Thrawn is only 6 stars.) I have 6 days to buff this team. Should I focus on better mods? Paying for higher levels? grinding gear? If so, on whom? I’m relatively new and mostly FTP.

My roster is linked in my sig. Many thanks!
My character collection is here:


  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    I had the exact same team, cept Palp was g9 and TFP was g10. Took dozens of attempts, but I eventually took the W. Getting Palp as fast as possible helped.
    ... your Tarkin is g9 btw

    What's your kill order? I went for Han, Leia, Luke, r2, Chewie, Obi
    but it ended up more like Han, Leia, Luke, Obi, R2, Chewie. Had a long Vader v Chewie 1v1
    many say go for r2, but teams like yours (and mine) will get torn apart by the attackers first.

    Honestly you need to push for 5 dot mods. But you should improve your chars in all areas.
    Don't wanna be a downer but I'll be amazed if you pass
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    When I cleared tier 7, I was running gX Thrawn Lead, Palpatine, Vader, and g8 Stormtrooper and Veers. Veers and Stormtrooper went out almost immediately, but the other 3 took care of business. It's definitely not an easy event.
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    I’m so sad. I’m so close to 5 stars on one more toon but will probably need more than a week. 5 Star R2 would be lovely

    My friend just did it with all gear 8 except for a gear 9 tarkin. He said it took forever and some rng for not getting crt as much as he should
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    Thanks for your replies. Heh, I’d forgotten that my Tarkin is G9. If he gets off his specials, I live a while, but Leia and R2 grind me down all the same. I kill Han first because everybody else seems to get R2’s stealth. Yeah, I need better mods. I’ll grind a few new ones, but I’m short on cash too, which is why my team isn’t max level. Ah well.
    My character collection is here:
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