Forum Categories for Guild and Player Events?

This forum has subcategories of events for most of Legendary events, Raids, TBs, and TW, and they are some questionable aspects.

1. Why no BB-8 event category? Will there be any Assault Battle category?
All the Legendary events, including Yoda and Palpatine events, have their own categories. Why there is no BB-8 event category? It came long before TW did, and there's no category for BB-8 event while TW has one.
It's bit minor compared to the BB-8 event, but lack of category for Assault Battles is bit wierd. I understand Marquee events are not worth it as they are never repeated, but Assault Battles are repeated. Repeated more often than Legendary events. What is the criteria for creating a category? Repeating events only, or events giving out character shards? With TBs and TW category in place, it is bit puzzling. Is it that Devs want a single megathread for each Assault Battle, as they did for Secrets and Shadows?

2. Do the categories are named after the theme or the name of the event?
Names for each categories for events are inconsistent. Some use the name of the events, like "Tank Takedown", while others use the theme, like "Rancor". I know formal names like "Pieces and Plans" are not as widely used as informal names like "BB-8 event", but it's strange that OFFICIAL forum is not using the formal name in it. Maybe it's for QoL of players, making it easier to identify what each category is about, but then why use official name at all? "Tank Takedown" could be "AAT", "TB:RA" could be "LS TB", and "TB:IR" could be "DS TB".

I knew 2nd Hero's Journey would not be Luke's one, long before Devs hinted it, cause they named the category "Hero's Journey: Luke" rather than "Hero's Journey: Chapter 1" or "Hero's Journey: A New Hope". Names of each categories have little effect on gaming experience on player's side, but even such minor things can make much difference.

This is happening in EA's OFFICIAL forum. For the sake of this game and its developers, I wish this thing doesn't remain untouched.


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