
210 posts Member
edited December 2017
So I’ve got 77 zeta mats and I’m not sure where they should go. I’ve got Finn, number crunch on r2, Han Solo and kylo zetad already.

I was thinking I should give one to BB8, one to mother talzin and one to CLS. And then, since fleet is where I make the majority of my crystals, I was thinking about just doing boba,fotp or darth maul.

Any help is awesome. Thanks!



  • Lovimgsaskia1
    375 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Have you got new Rey? If so bb8, less so if not. Depends on who you are planning on running on arena, if nightsisters then mother talzin.
    As far as ships go, I'm no expert but I think the only real difference zeta makes is adding 2 to speed.
  • Options
    Have you got new Rey? If so bb8, less so if not. Depends on who you are planninge more crystals w on running on arena, if nightsisters then mother talzin.

    Nope I do not have Rey and I’ll probably end up with CLS, solo, chaze and R2 for arena, but i still make more crystals from my fleet.

    Mother talzin would be more for TB.
  • Thor_Odinson1
    1995 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    CLS will always be a safe zeta because he will always be good. You could do all 3 and probably never regret it. Start with "It Binds All Things" though.

    Same is basically true for R2. He is so versatile that it is difficult to imagine a time where he won't be useful. His 2nd zeta is a safe investment.

    I would not zeta Talzin unless you are all in on NS. She is good, but not nearly as useful as the other toons you listed.

    BB8 is a fine zeta especially since you already have a Resistance team.

    Boba is also a decent zeta especially since he is now a must have for DS TB.

    R2 eliminated Zaul in the arena, but Zaul teams are still great for TW if you care about that. This should be a lower priority for you though as most of the above zetas will be much more valuable.

    FOTP does have one of the best ships in the game, but I wouldn't zeta him just for that. If you have a strong FO team to also use in TW and maybe the tank raid then it's an OK investment, but your other options are much better.

    If I were you I would do:

    1: CLS, It Binds All Things

    2: CLS, Lead or other UA; R2, 2nd zeta

    3: CLS, 3rd zeta; R2, 2nd zeta; BB8, Roll With the Punches; Boba.
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    Hmm okay. CLS will definitely be getting bind all things, I guessr2s second zetabisnt a bad idea. Bb8s would mainly be for the tank and mauls for his ship. Is MT not worth it for DS TB? Would thrawn be good? My empire team is so weak. I don’t really know who else might be worth their zeta. Maybe Phoenix?

    What about veers?
  • Options
    jwoah wrote: »
    Hmm okay. CLS will definitely be getting bind all things, I guessr2s second zetabisnt a bad idea. Bb8s would mainly be for the tank and mauls for his ship. Is MT not worth it for DS TB? Would thrawn be good? My empire team is so weak. I don’t really know who else might be worth their zeta. Maybe Phoenix?

    What about veers?

    MT is only worth it for DS TB if you have her at 7*. Otherwise you can only use her for a couple phases. Most characters that you can't make 7* have very limited viability outside of arena.
  • jwoah
    210 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    MT is only worth it for DS TB if you have her at 7*. Otherwise you can only use her for a couple phases. Most characters that you can't make 7* have very limited viability outside of arena.[/quote]

    Yeah I guess that makes sense. I just wish I had more purple mats haha, that seems to be the real crutch. I’m thinking CLS though and BB8 are my next 2 zetas. Boba will probably find his way in too.

  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I wouldn't zeta bb8 without Rey. In a Finn team the goal is to never let the enemy get a turn, so countering is not the focus, and you aren't generally calling assists.
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