Is there currently a Rey Jedi Training team that holds on defense against Zarriss?

I've seen quite a few Rey JT teams so far and I'm watching the GK/Zarriss teams beat them. I thought she was going to change the meta.

Just curious if someone has found something that works?


  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    edited December 2017

    Considering she's now second with 22%, she has certainly affected the meta.

    And I believe the CLS number is down from before she was introduced (I think 9% less).
    I need a new message here.
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    RJT wasn’t supposed to change the meta, just be another toon to add to the meta team comps. They want more diversity within the top teams.
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    In the end, mods still rule all.
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    I'm seeing Zarriss beat well-modded RJT/BB8/R2/CLS/GK teams. Also well modded teams with Rey thrown in the mix (such as CLS lead, RJT, Thrawn, GK, R2).

  • Bennehftw
    316 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I can’t see it. GK lead or not, he dies just as fast. Expose will always do more damage than the heal, and with triple attack it’s hardly a fight GK can win with any amount of defense/protection/health.

    In fact GK lead kills him faster, since expose is % damage.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Thrawn is just as useless on defense as Jedi Training Wheels Rey on your squad. There is no good A.I. defense in SWGOH besides mods. People that don't have new Rey are just making excuses, she is awesome and the threat is real.

    I'm glad I have JTWheels Rey because all I do now on offense is hit auto and make sure I'm aiming at GK or zBarris first. Once one of them goes down, my opponent is toast.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to strategy section
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    Good lord yet another thread moved to a section with no traffic.
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    Fast modded-R2 / BB8 / Rey teams have all but wiped out GK/ Barriss from my Nov '15 launch arena. Even a guy runnning a maxed out GK / Barriss + Hermit Yoda was struggling to win.
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    Winstar wrote: »
    Thrawn is just as useless on defense as Jedi Training Wheels Rey on your squad. There is no good A.I. defense in SWGOH besides mods. People that don't have new Rey are just making excuses, she is awesome and the threat is real.

    I'm glad I have JTWheels Rey because all I do now on offense is hit auto and make sure I'm aiming at GK or zBarris first. Once one of them goes down, my opponent is toast.

    And I'm sure others do the exact same thing to your squad.
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